
Do You Need 99 Smithing To Repair Trimmed Masterwork

Ready your pickaxes and brush off your anvils! At long last it's time to forge onwards with another Mining & Smithing Beta hands-on, ahead of the full rollout in the near future. This has been one of the most requested updates for the game for some time, and to reflect this we've also taken our time to try and ensure it delivers the kind of improvements our wonderful players deserve.

This new Beta will be open to everyone and will run from November 13th to November 27th.


Once the Beta is live, simply click here and log into your RuneScape account to get involved.


Here's a few specific details about what to expect:


  • No depletion of materials
  • Ability to mine AFK (although you'll be rewarded for paying attention)
  • New ore bank for storage
  • Four new tiers of ore spanning 60-90


  • The ability to smith from a new metal bank
  • Additional mechanics to reward those who pay attention
  • Better XP thanks to new upgrading and armour burial processes
  • Make masterwork and trimmed masterwork armour which, if you're not aware, is the best melee armour in the game!
  • Four new tiers of metal spanning 60-90


  • Ore, bars and metal equipment replaced on drop tables with new stone spirit and salvage items
  • Spring cleaner has been improved


Preface on Terminology

The biggest thing confusing people are the terms 'Tier' and 'Level' which are used almost interchangeably by Jagex. This means different things considering their context. When speaking of mining, tier is used by Jagex to mean the level required to mine the ore – for example, Luminite ore is referred to as T40, which means it is a level 40 ore. When speaking about armour or weapons, Jagex's interchangeable wording causes confusion. They call items T80 sometimes and at other times say "level 80 gear" or "item level of 80" – which could be for:

  • The level required to use the item (attack/defence level).
  • The level required to smith the gear.
  • The level of stats the gear has.

Usually, the armour requires the same level to wear as it has stats but recently this caused the confusing statement in a livestream that:

We don't like that the tier 90 creates tier 80 equipment with a level 90 wearing requirement.

Mod Jack, Twitch

For the purpose of this guide, I will always use these definitions:

  • Level – the level required to mine, smith, smelt, or wear. If it isn't obvious which level is being spoken about or if more than one is mentioned, I will attempt to clarify.
  • Tier – I will be using the word Tier to refer to the stats of an item.

Taken together it is much clearer to say that the level 90 Elder rune armour is tier 80. Similarly, level 1 Bronze armour is tier 5. Mod Jack acknowledged this confusion in December 2017:[1]

You're right to pick us up on our confusing use of the words "tier" and "level". We were discussing what to do about this last week, and we're going to try to introduce some more consistent terminology. The combat council are discussing this at the moment.

Mod Jack, Reddit

  1. ^Suity. TL;DR 360 – Mining and Smithing FAQs. 18 December 2017.*


Basic Mechanics

Mining is now AFK with the option to increase XP and ore per hour with active gameplay. Rocks no longer deplete removing competition between players since Jagex want to increase the social aspect of skilling. The logout timer will still apply for players that AFK too long.


Mining Level Rock HP Hardness XP Multiplier Core Rock
1 Copper ore Tin ore Copper; Tin 40 0 0.66 Yes check.svg
1 Clay Clay 50 0 0.66
1 Rune essence Rune essence 50 0 0.66
1 Soft clay Soft clay 75 0 0.66
10 Iron ore Iron 120 5 0.68 Yes check.svg
10 Limestone Limestone 150 5 0.68
20 Coal Coal 140 15 0.7 Yes check.svg
30 Mithril ore Mithril 240 30 0.72 Yes check.svg
35 Sandstone Sandstone 150 30 0.72
40 Adamantite ore Adamantite 380 50 0.74 Yes check.svg
40 Luminite ore Luminite 380 50 0.74 Yes check.svg
40 Gold ore Gold 1 50 0.74
50 Runite ore Runite 600 75 0.76 Yes check.svg
50 Concentrated Sandstone Concentrated Sandstone 1 75 0.76
60 Orichalcite ore Drakolith ore Orichalcite; Drakolith 1,400 105 0.78 Yes check.svg
70 Necrite ore Phasmatite ore Necrite; Phasmatite 1,300 140 0.8 Yes check.svg
70 Coal Concentrated Coal 500 140 0.8
80 Bane ore Banite 1,700 185 0.82 Yes check.svg
80 Gold ore Concentrated Gold 750 185 0.82
89 Seren stones Seren stones 1 185 1.2
90 Light animica ore Dark animica ore Light Animica; Dark Animica 2,000 235 0.84 Yes check.svg
97 Alaea sea salt Alaea crablet 1 235 1.8

Banite ore is the same as the existing ore. See the bane section below for details.


Each rock has a HP value, this is the amount of damage required per ore. Every swing to the rock deals damage to it. Once the HP of the rock is depleted, an ore is given and the cycle repeats. XP is still rewarded with each swing. In the above table, where HP is given as 1 the HP of that rock is still undecided.


All rocks have a 'hardness' value, a flat reduction in the amount of damage dealt from every pick swing. All pickaxes have a 'penetration' value. After subtracting the hardness of a rock from the penetration value, if this value is negative you will deal reduced damage per swing (if your character would normally swing for 11 damage and the rock has a leftover hardness of 10, then you deal 1 damage) and if it is too low you'll receive the message 'Your weak pickaxe is unable to chip away at the rock'. If the value is positive, that is, that your penetration is higher than or equal to the rock's hardness then no damage penalty is applied and this mechanic can be wholly ignored. Since hardness and penetration are equal at the same level, this penalty will only apply if trying to mine a higher level ore with a lower level pickaxe. Swings cannot deal less than 1 damage. The hardness penalty applies to the critical hit bonus.


The following table of pickaxes has been sorted from the worst to the best pickaxes.

Mining Level Pickaxe Damage Penetration Augmentable
Min Average Max
1 Bronze pickaxe.png Bronze 3 5 7 0
10 Iron pickaxe.png Iron 5 10 15 5
10 Iron pickaxe.png Iron+1 6 11 16 5
20 Steel pickaxe.png Steel 10 20 30 15
30 Steel pickaxe.png Steel+1 11 21 31 15
30 Mithril pickaxe.png Mithril 15 30 45 30
30 Mithril pickaxe.png Mithril+1 16 31 46 30
30 Mithril pickaxe.png Mithril+2 17 32 47 30
40 Adamant pickaxe.png Adamant 20 40 60 50
40 Adamant pickaxe.png Adamant+1 21 41 61 50
40 Adamant pickaxe.png Adamant+2 22 42 62 50
50 Rune pickaxe.png Rune 25 50 75 75
50 Rune pickaxe.png Rune+1 26 51 76 75
50 Rune pickaxe.png Rune+2 27 52 77 75
50 Rune pickaxe.png Rune+3 28 53 78 75
50 Inferno adze.png Inferno Adze 28 53 78 75
60 Drakolith pickaxe.png Orikalkum 30 60 90 105
60 Drakolith pickaxe.png Orikalkum+1 31 61 91 105
60 Drakolith pickaxe.png Orikalkum+2 32 62 92 105
60 Drakolith pickaxe.png Orikalkum+3 33 63 93 105
60 Dragon pickaxe.png Dragon 33 63 93 105 Yes check.svg
70 Necronium pickaxe.png Necronium 35 70 105 140
70 Necronium pickaxe.png Necronium+1 36 71 106 140
70 Necronium pickaxe.png Necronium+2 37 72 107 140
70 Necronium pickaxe.png Necronium+3 38 73 108 140
70 Necronium pickaxe.png Necronium+4 39 74 109 140
70 Crystal pickaxe.png Crystal 39 74 109 140 Yes check.svg
80 Bane pickaxe.png Bane 40 80 120 185
80 Bane pickaxe.png Bane+1 41 81 121 185
80 Bane pickaxe.png Bane+2 42 82 122 185
80 Bane pickaxe.png Bane+3 43 83 123 185
80 Bane pickaxe.png Bane+4 44 84 124 185
80 Imcando pickaxe.png Imcando 44 84 124 185 Yes check.svg
90 Elder rune pickaxe.png Elder Rune 45 90 135 235
90 Elder rune pickaxe.png Elder Rune+1 46 91 136 235
90 Elder rune pickaxe.png Elder Rune+2 47 92 137 235
90 Elder rune pickaxe.png Elder Rune+3 48 93 138 235
90 Elder rune pickaxe.png Elder Rune+4 49 94 139 235
90 Elder rune pickaxe.png Elder Rune+5 50 95 140 235
90 Crystal pickaxe (upgraded).png Earth and Song 50 95 140 235 Yes check.svg

If multiple pickaxes are carried then the order of use is Equipped > Inventory > Toolbelt. Any non-augmented pickaxe can be put in the toolbelt. Any pickaxe except Bronze pickaxes can be removed from the toolbelt directly without having to speak to Doc. This allows pickaxes to be swapped and upgraded. Placing a new pickaxe into the toolbelt removes the old one into your inventory. Removing a pickaxe from the toolbelt leaves a default Bronze pickaxe in its place – this is why Bronze pickaxes cannot be removed, to prevent a source of infinite pickaxes.

Only four of the 'special' pickaxes can be augmented. Augmented pickaxes cannot be placed on the toolbelt although non-augmented special pickaxes can. Since the special pickaxes are identical in stats to one of the smithable pickaxes, it is only worth making a special pickaxe if you intend on augmenting it.

Inferno adze.png The Inferno Adze has no special characteristics when used as a pickaxe. It retains its Woodcutting effects.

Crystal pickaxe.png The Crystal pickaxe has had its bonus chance of receiving golden rocks removed. The recipe is unchanged, it still requires 4,000 harmonic dust and a Dragon pickaxe to make.

Imcando pickaxe.png The special properties of the Imcando pickaxe have been removed. However, making those properties into perks will be considered. The recipe is unchanged, a Gilded dragon pickaxe is still required to make an Imcando pickaxe. New gilded pickaxes will not be added. Existing gilded pickaxes cannot be upgraded using the smithing upgrade system but can be used to create a Crystal pickaxe by degrading it.

Crystal pickaxe (upgraded).png The Pickaxe of Earth and Song is created by combining an Imcando pickaxe, a Crystal pickaxe, and a Blast fusion hammer, consuming all three items. The complete recipe being: 2 Dragon pickaxes, 4,000 Harmonic dust, 2M coins, 4 Imcando fragments, and a Redberry pie (plus a Liquid gold nymph spawn to gild one of the pickaxes).

XP Multiplier

Although not every swing grants an ore, every swing grants XP based on the damage rolled for that swing. The damage made on that swing is multiplied by the XP multiplier of that rock and a global {\displaystyle 0.4}  to determine the base XP drop. By way of example: if a player rolled {\displaystyle 100}  damage for a swing on a Dark or Light animica rock, {\displaystyle 100\times 0.84\times 0.4=33.6}  base XP would be awarded. This value is for active mining (so it includes the 25% stamina bonus).


There is a bar above the player's head, which, once filled, gives the player an ore. Every pick swing deals damage based on Mining level, Strength level, and the stats of your pickaxe.

{\displaystyle DamagePerSwing=Mininglevel+({\frac {Strengthlevel}{10}})+DamageRoll+NetHardness+CritBonus}

Only add {\displaystyle NetHardness(Penetration-Hardness)}  if value is negative.

{\displaystyle CritBonus}  is only applied if the swing deals a critical hit.

Swings occur every 4 ticks (2.4s).

Because Strength is rounded down in the calculation (i.e. levels 90-99 will all be +9), your Strength level only has an impact every 10 levels. Visible and invisible boosts for Mining and Strength apply when determining damage per swing. Overloads work but because boosts between 110 and 119 will result in a +11, there is no difference between using the different overloads.

Regarding the {\displaystyle DamageRoll}  on a pickaxe, see above for the Min and Max damage values for each pickaxe. Every swing, a value is rolled between the Min and Max (e.g. Bronze can roll between 3 and 7).

This puts the maximum damage for a non-critical hit active swing (excluding boosts; at 99 Mining and Strength using a Pick of Earth and Song or Elder Rune Pickaxe+5):

Any excess damage carries over but more than 100% HP of a rock cannot be dealt in a single swing (anything above 100% will cap down to 100%). For example, at 30 mining and strength, using a Mithril pickaxe, the damage per swing is 48-78. Copper has 40 HP resulting in every swing dealing 8-38 excess damage – instead, 40(min) to 40(max) damage will be dealt when mining the rock (i.e always 40), guaranteeing an ore every swing. XP however, is not capped, and will be awarded based on the damage the swing would have made (as in our example, the pre-capped damage was 48-78 and the XP awarded will be based on this amount, instead of the capped 40-40).

One thing to note is that if a player's Strength level vastly out-levels their Mining level, it has a huge impact on their damage per swing and in turn their ore and XP per hour. Since every 10 strength levels is equivalent to 1 mining level, having, for example, 40 strength and 4 mining essentially doubles your mining level.

Damage progress is stored even if you stop mining, or switch rocks, provided you resume mining the same type of rock.


After level 15 Mining, players unlock the Stamina mechanic. Following every swing, 10 stamina is drained and refills completely whenever a rock is clicked. Stamina gives a % increase to damage per swing based on how much Stamina the player currently has (equates to the same % increase in XP and ore per hour). Although the amount of Stamina a player has is not visible to them, visual cues in the form of sparks from the rock on every swing will indicate where on the table players lay.

Stamina Bonus Intensity Spark Colour
Full Stamina {\displaystyle +25\%}  Damage Per Swing Active Green
1-99% Stamina {\displaystyle +12.5\%}  Damage Per Swing Semi Active White
Empty Stamina No Bonus Completely AFK None

In order to sustain a full stamina bar, the rock must be clicked every 4 ticks (2.4s).

Since Stamina is unlocked at level 15, no bonus damage can be dealt in this way for levels 1-14. Mining levelling benefits increases the stamina pool by 10 at certain levels (meaning it takes more swings before it depletes). However, if intending to be fully active or completely AFK the stamina pool size is irrelevant. Thus, the stamina pool size is only pertinent to players seeking to occasionally click in an 'Ithell Harps' fashion (semi-active {\displaystyle +12.5\%}  damage per swing). The stamina pool's size only has a marginal increase in damage/h (roughly 5%) for semi-active players.


Every time a swing is made, there is a chance that a nearby rock of the same type will become a 'Rockertunity' (visible effects on the rock makes it easy to see when one happens). Rockertunities cannot spawn on the rock currently being mined. Clicking the highlighted rock rewards the player extra damage (and by extension XP) for one swing. Since damage progress doesn't reset for changing to other rocks of the same type, rockertunities increase XP and ore per hour. Rockertunities can deal a critical hit. Rockertunities are exclusive to each player, other players cannot see other people's rockertunitiies.

{\displaystyle Multiplier\times Damage} .

Rockertunity Multiplier

While the base multiplier for rockertunities is five, higher Mining levels can raise the multiplier to seven (dependent on rock). The values below correspond to the Mining level required for the increased multipliers. This levelling benefit only applies to core rocks, so, when mining non-rocks such as concentrated coal or gold, the rockertunitiy multiplier will always be five. The Magic golem outfit can increase this to {\displaystyle \times 8} .

Rock Rockertunity Multiplier
{\displaystyle \times 5} {\displaystyle \times 6} {\displaystyle \times 7}
Copper ore Tin ore Copper; Tin 1 6
Iron ore Iron 10 14
Coal Coal 20 21
Mithril ore Mithril 30 38
Adamantite ore Adamantite 40 47
Luminite ore Luminite 40 47
Runite ore Runite 50 54
Orichalcite ore Drakolith ore Orichalcite; Drakolith 60 68
Necrite ore Phasmatite ore Necrite; Phasmatite 70 73 77
Bane ore Banite 80 89
Light animica ore Dark animica ore Light Animica; Dark Animica 90 94 96

Critical Hit

Critical hits deal extra damage for that swing. If a critical hit is rolled on a rockertunity swing, the rockertunity multiplier also applies to the additional damage from the crit effect.

Critical Hit Chance Critical Hit Bonus

Mining Accumulator

Mining accumulator.png The Mining accumulator now gains 1% charge whenever the player gets a critical swing when Mining. The XP awarded remains the same.

Double Ore Chance

The values in the table below correspond to the Mining level required to obtain a chance to obtain double ore, specific to each rock. This levelling benefit only applies to core rocks, so, when mining non-core rocks, the base chance of 0% will be used.

Rock Double Ore Chance
{\displaystyle 0\%} {\displaystyle 5\%} {\displaystyle 10\%}
Copper ore Tin ore Copper; Tin 1 4
Iron ore Iron 10 15 19
Coal Coal 20 27
Mithril ore Mithril 30 36
Adamantite ore Adamantite 40 49
Luminite ore Luminite 40 49
Runite ore Runite 50 53
Orichalcite ore Drakolith ore Orichalcite; Drakolith 60 62
Necrite ore Phasmatite ore Necrite; Phasmatite 70 76
Bane ore Banite 80 82 86
Light animica ore Dark animica ore Light Animica; Dark Animica 90 92 98

Ore Box

Ore boxes

The ore box is a bankable and tradeable inventory item similar to the Coal Bag allowing you to collect more ore than will fit in your inventory for longer mining sessions without banking.

The ore box's left-click option is 'fill' which fills the box with all ore in your inventory. Moreover, ores can be individually used on the box to fill it with all ore of that type (useful for when you have multiple types of ore in your inventory but only wish to fill it with one type). Noted ores cannot be used on the ore box. A mouse-over tooltip is displayed showing the contents of the ore box if any, sorted from the lowest to the highest tier. There is also a 'quick-withdraw' option which will withdraw from the box, with the lowest tier ore being withdrawn first. However, this means that to withdraw lower tier ores you will need to withdraw all the preceding ore. The 'deposit-all' option in the metal bank empties the ore box as well as having an 'empty' option in the bank interface. Ore boxes share storage between them so having multiple boxes has no use.

The ore box is made using the Smithing skill at an anvil. Ore boxes can be upgraded to hold higher level ores, this is done at an anvil with two bars and the previous ore box. Ore boxes can store 100 of each ore upto the level that it is at (i.e. an Ore Box (Steel) can store 100 Copper ore, 100 Tin ore, 100 Iron ore, AND 100 Coal). The Smithing level requirement is merely to forge the upgrade not to apply it – players without the level may purchase on the grand exchange. The ore boxes can only store core ores.

  • The ore box drops on death in the Wilderness if carried. Also, regardless of if they're carrying the box, all ore in the box is dropped on the floor on all unsafe deaths (boxes in the bankshould be empty due to point 4 below).
  • The ore box can only be dropped, not destroyed. All ore in the box is also dropped.
  • To avoid an exploit, the ore box cannot be banked using a Winter storage scroll or any other method of remote banking.
  • When the ore box is deposited into the bank (not metal bank), any ore in the box is also put into the bank if possible.
Smithing level Name Ingredients Progress Experience Stores Upto
1 Ore Box (Bronze) 2 Bronze bar.png  Bronze bar 200 0 Copper ore.png  Copper ore and Tin ore.png  Tin ore
10 Ore Box (Iron) 2 Iron bar.png  Iron bar
Ore Box (Bronze)
400 80 Iron ore.png  Iron ore
20 Ore Box (Steel) 2 Steel bar.png  Steel bar
Ore Box (Iron)
600 150 Coal.png  Coal
30 Ore Box (Mithril) 2 Mithril bar.png  Mithril bar
Ore Box (Steel)
800 240 Mithril ore.png  Mithril ore
40 Ore Box (Adamant) 2 Adamant bar.png  Adamant bar
Ore Box (Mithril)
1000 340 Adamantite ore.png  Adamantite ore and Luminite ore.png  Luminite ore
50 Ore Box (Rune) 2 Rune bar.png  Rune bar
Ore Box (Adamant)
1200 480 Runite ore.png  Runite ore
60 Ore Box (Orikalkum) 2 Drakolith bar.png  Orikalkum bar
Ore Box (Rune)
1400 700 Elder runite ore.png  Orichalcite ore and Drakolith ore.png  Drakolith ore
70 Ore Box (Necronium) 2 Necronium bar.png  Necronium bar
Ore Box (Orikalkum)
1600 1000 Necrite ore.png  Necrite ore and Phasmatite ore.png  Phasmatite ore
80 Ore Box (Bane) 2 Bane bar.png  Bane bar
Ore Box (Necronium)
1800 1400 Bane ore.png  Banite ore
90 Ore Box (Elder Rune) 2 Elder rune bar.png  Elder rune bar
Ore Box (Bane)
2000 2000 Light animica ore.png  Light animica ore and Dark animica ore.png  Dark animica ore

Capacity Increase

At certain Mining levels, the capacity of the ore box can be raised from 100 to 120. The values below denote the Mining level required to unlock the increase for each of the ores.

Ore Level
Copper ore Tin ore Copper; Tin 7
Iron ore Iron 18
Coal Coal 29
Mithril ore Mithril 37
Adamantite ore Adamantite 41
Luminite ore Luminite 41
Runite ore Runite 55
Orichalcite ore Drakolith ore Orichalcite; Drakolith 66
Necrite ore Phasmatite ore Necrite; Phasmatite 72
Bane ore Banite 85
Light animica ore Dark animica ore Light Animica; Dark Animica 95

A further increase of 20 (totalling 140) can be unlocked by completing the 'Everything is Oresome' achievement.

Signs of the Porter

Sign of the porter V.png Although the ore box makes Signs of the porter less valuable, their effect remains the same and will still be used by players who want even more ore per trip. The new ores are bankable with porters.


A geode is a rare item obtained sometimes when Mining which contains gems or other items. The random chance to receive gems while mining has been replaced by this mechanic. Geodes are stackable with the same type of geode, bankable, and untradeable. By default a player has a 5% chance to get a geode each time they get a piece of ore when mining. Levelling benefits can increase this for core rocks, the base chance of 5% will be used for non-core rocks.

Rock Geode Type Geode Chance
{\displaystyle 5\%} {\displaystyle 10\%} {\displaystyle 15\%}
Copper ore Tin ore Copper; Tin Sedimentary 1 2 9
Iron ore Iron Sedimentary 10 12
Coal Coal Sedimentary 20 25
Mithril ore Mithril Sedimentary 30 31 35
Adamantite ore Adamantite Sedimentary 40 45 48
Luminite ore Luminite Sedimentary 40 45 48
Runite ore Runite Sedimentary 50 56 58
Orichalcite ore Drakolith ore Orichalcite; Drakolith Igneous 60 64
Necrite ore Phasmatite ore Necrite; Phasmatite Igneous 70 75
Bane ore Banite Igneous 80 81
Light animica ore Dark animica ore Light Animica; Dark Animica Igneous 90 91 97


Sedimentary geodes, which are free to play, always drop when mining copper, tin, iron, coal, mithril, adamantite, luminite or runite.

Item Chance GE Price
Uncut opal.png Uncut opal 40% 368
Uncut jade.png Uncut jade 25% 2,713
Uncut red topaz.png Uncut red topaz 15% 4,080
Uncut sapphire.png Uncut sapphire 10% 503
Uncut emerald.png Uncut emerald 5% 1,381
Uncut ruby.png Uncut ruby 3% 1,315
Uncut diamond.png Uncut diamond 2% 3,089
Average Value 1,658


When mining the members rocks (orichalcite, drakolith, necrite, phasmatite, banite, light animica and dark animica) the player will normally get an igneous geode, but has a 1% chance to instead receive a metamorphic geode.

Item Chance GE Price
Uncut opal.png Uncut opal 10% 368
Uncut jade.png Uncut jade 12% 2,713
Uncut red topaz.png Uncut red topaz 14% 4,080
Uncut sapphire.png Uncut sapphire 16% 503
Uncut emerald.png Uncut emerald 18% 1,381
Uncut ruby.png Uncut ruby 16% 1,315
Uncut diamond.png Uncut diamond 10% 3,089
Uncut dragonstone.png Uncut dragonstone 4% 11,853
Average Value 2,256


Metamorphic geodes are occasionally received from members rocks. They are significantly more valuable and intended to create a "wow!" moment when mining. The metamorphic geode always contains a random strange or golden rock the player has yet to earn.[1] In addition, the metamorphic geode also contains one of the following rare items, with an equal chance of each ( {\displaystyle {\frac {1}{11}}} ):

Uncut onyx.png Uncut onyx
Crystal triskelion fragment 1.png A random Crystal triskelion fragment
Dragon helm.png A random piece of Dragon equipment
1-10 Concentrated alloy bars[1]
Enriched alloy bar[1]
Clue scroll (elite).png Clue scroll (elite) (with a 1% chance to upgrade to a Clue scroll (master))
Starved ancient effigy.png Ancient effigy
Anima crystal.png Anima crystal
Gift for the Reaper.png Gift for the Reaper
Corrupted ore.png 100-300 Corrupted ore
First age coin (sole purpose is to be high alched for1,000,000)

Amulet of Glory

Amulet of glory (4).png No longer affects gem drop rate. Now increases geode drop chance by 1%.

Ring of Wealth

Ring of wealth.png No longer affects gem drops. Now doubles the chance of receiving a metamorphic geode instead of an igneous geode (2% up from 1%). Higher tier luck rings also have this effect.

Other Rocks

Apart from updating rocks to work with the new mechanics, most 'non-core' rocks do not have any changes: Clay rocks, Soft clay rocks, Blurite, Daeyalt, Rubium, Obsidian, Granite, regular Sandstone.

However, some rocks have had changes made to them. Levelling benefits that apply to specific rocks (critical hit chance, rockertunity multiplier, geode chance, double ore chance) do not apply to non-core rocks (concentrated rocks are counted as non-core rocks).

Concentrated Coal Rocks

Coal.png Concentrated coal rocks require 70 Mining. Their XP multiplier is the same as a Necrite rock but as noted, levelling benefits for Coal or Necrite does not apply to Concentrated coal rocks, making Necrite far better XP/h.

Concentrated coal rocks have 500 HP (compared to Necrite's 1,300) and grant five coal instead of one (working out to 100 HP per coal, compared to a coal rock's 140 HP per coal). This makes concentrated coal rocks the best source for coal which is used with the new coal burner.

When using coal stone spirits, one extra Coal is granted at the cost one spirit.

Concentrated Gold Rocks

Gold ore.png Concentrated gold rocks require 80 Mining. Their XP multiplier is the same as a Banite rock but as noted, levelling benefits for Banite does not apply, making Banite far better XP/h.

Concentrated gold rocks have 750 HP (compared to Banite's 1,700) and grant five gold ore instead of one (working out to 150 HP per gold ore). This makes concentrate gold rocks the best source for gold ore.

Concentrated Sandstone Rocks

Sandstone (2kg).png Concentrated sandstone rocks are level 50 versions of regular sandstone rocks. Their XP multiplier is the same as a Runite rock. They give sandstone at the same rate as regular sandstone rocks but also give Menaphos reputation. We may rename these rocks to "Menaphos Sandstone Rocks" to make their purpose clearer.

Red Sandstone Rocks

Red sandstone.pngCrystal-flecked sandstone.png Both red sandstone rocks and crystal-flecked sandstone rocks are one of the only that still deplete. Although updated to the new mechanics, their pre-rework daily limits have stayed in place. Despite the changes to the resourceful aura, when mining these rocks with the aura active, players retain a 10% chance to give an additional sandstone which does not contribute towards the daily limit.

Gem Rocks

Uncut sapphire.pngUncut emerald.pngUncut ruby.pngUncut diamond.png The various gem rocks have now been organised into five tiers requiring 1, 20, 40, 60 and 75 mining respectively. The higher tier gem rocks drop better gems, so you now have more control over which gems you mine.

40 – Emerald, Ruby, Diamond

Arc Crablets

Alaea sea salt.png Alaea crablets have been balanced to give better active XP than animica, but give salt rather than valuable ores. This gives them a niche as the highest raw XP method, but animica is probably a better overall deal taking into account XP and items earned. They cannot generate rockertunities.

Solid Crystals (Tarddiad)

Crystal fragment.png Solid crystals require 75 Mining to mine. Their XP multiplier is the same as a Necrite rock but as noted, levelling benefits for Necrite do not apply, making Necrite far better XP/h. The drop rate is balanced to give around 1 crystal fragment per tick with 75 Mining. At 75 Mining, with a rate of 6,000 fragments (2,000 crystals) it would take 2.5 hours for a full set of attuned crystal armour (5,000 crystals).

Seren Stones

Corrupted ore.png Seren stones have beeen rebalanced to be better XP than AFKing animica, but not as good as animica when playing actively. Seren stones cannot generate rockertunities. Their niche is entirely AFK. Corrupted ore is awarded .

Rune Essence Rocks

Rune essence.pngPure essence.png Work with the new mechanics but no major changes. Using a bronze pickaxe is no longer faster than higher level pickaxes.

Ores and Bars

All ore costs are singular unless otherwise stated.

Level Bar Primary Ore Secondary Ore Tertiary Ore
1 Bronze bar.png Bronze Copper ore.png Copper ore Tin ore.png Tin ore
10 Iron bar.png Iron Iron ore.png Iron ore(x2)
20 Steel bar.png Steel Iron ore.png Iron ore Coal.png Coal
30 Mithril bar.png Mithril Mithril ore.png Mithril ore Coal.png Coal
40 Adamant bar.png Adamant Adamantite ore.png Adamantite ore Luminite ore.png Luminite ore
50 Rune bar.png Rune Runite ore.png Runite ore Luminite ore.png Luminite ore
60 Drakolith bar.png Orikalkum Elder runite ore.png Orichalcite ore Drakolith ore.png Drakolith ore
70 Necronium bar.png Necronium Necrite ore.png Necrite ore Phasmatite ore.png Phasmatite ore
80 Bane bar.png Bane Bane ore.png Banite ore(x2)
90 Elder rune bar.png Elder Rune Rune bar.png Rune bar Light animica ore.png Light animica ore Dark animica ore.png Dark animica ore

Ring of Forging

Ring of forging.png As iron bars can no longer fail but now take two iron ore each, the ring of forging instead reduces the cost of iron bars to one iron ore. The ring still lasts for 140 charges and works when using superheat item on iron ore.


The metal bank uses ore directly from its storage, removing the need to travel to a bank.

Metal Bank

Ores in the metal bank

Bars in the metal bank

The metal bank (previously called hopper) is a dedicated 'bank' for smithing, which can hold up to a max stack of each type of ore and bar (2.147b). Each player has one, worldwide metal bank, accessible from any anvil, furnace, or forge. The metal bank can be filled with regular or noted items, and the ore box can be emptied into the metal bank and has a 'deposit-all' option, depositing all ores and bars in your inventory and ore box. This essentially makes every anvil, furnace, or forge a bank when mining (see their respective pages for locations), and are preferred over banks due to their 'deposit-all' option automatically emptying the ore box (the downside is that items gained from geodes will not banked). When smelting or smithing, ores and bars are taken directly from the metal bank without the need to withdraw to your inventory first. The metal bank cannot store smithed items – they have to be banked normally. The metal bank can only store core ores and bars. When smelting, bars are not automatically deposited into the metal bank unless smelting gauntlets are worn.

Smelting Gauntlets

Goldsmith gauntlets.png The Goldsmith gauntlets have been reworked into 'Smelting gauntlets'. The smelting gauntlets automatically deposit smelted bars into the metal bank, and smelt up to 60 bars at a time in a Make-X interface instead of 28. When using Superheat item with the gauntlets, the smelted bars are automatically deposited into the metal bank. The gauntlets only function in the Artisans Workshop.

Another reward for completing the Family crest quest is unlocking the ability to store gold ore, gold bars, silver ore, and silver bars in the metal bank. Although Crafting works in the same way as before the rework, unlocking this ability allows for 28 pieces of jewellery to be made per inventory.

Smelting Rate

The base Smelting rate is four ticks per bar (2.4s; 1,500 bars per hour), higher Smithing levels unlock a 50% chance of Smelting at three ticks (averaging 3.5 ticks per bar) and a further unlock of 100% chance of Smelting at three ticks. Superheat Form further reduces the rate by one tick (making the fastest rate two tick smelting).

Metal Smelting Rate
4 3.5 3
Bronze bar.png Bronze 1 2 5
Iron bar.png Iron 10 14 17
Steel bar.png Steel 20 21 23
Mithril bar.png Mithril 30 31 37
Adamant bar.png Adamant 40 46 48
Rune bar.png Rune 50 53 56
Drakolith bar.png Orikalkum 60 61 65
Necronium bar.png Necronium 70 75 77
Bane bar.png Bane 80 86 89
Elder rune bar.png Elder Rune 90 91 94

Smelting Experience

Smelting now gives significantly less XP per bar due to being able to smelt more bars per hour.

Level Bar XP
1 Bronze bar.png Bronze 1
10 Iron bar.png Iron 2
20 Steel bar.png Steel 3
30 Mithril bar.png Mithril 5
40 Adamant bar.png Adamant 7
50 Rune bar.png Rune 10
60 Drakolith bar.png Orikalkum 13
70 Necronium bar.png Necronium 17
80 Bane bar.png Bane 21
90 Elder rune bar.png Elder Rune 26

Double Smelting Chance

At certain Smithing levels, players unlock a 10% chance to generate double bars when smelting. This proc can proc itself, and each time the number of bars doubles. The benefit is capped at 32 bars. This can be represented as follows:

Chance Bars
10% 2
1% 4
0.1% 8
0.01% 16
0.001% 32

The bars received are additional free bars and the player receives XP for each bar as if they smelted it themselves. Any bars that don't fit in the inventory go directly into the hopper. This works out to {\displaystyle 12.496\%}  additional free bars per hour. The benefit is unlocked at different level dependant on tier:

Metal Level
Bronze bar.png Bronze 9
Iron bar.png Iron 19
Steel bar.png Steel 27
Mithril bar.png Mithril 38
Adamant bar.png Adamant 47
Rune bar.png Rune 57
Drakolith bar.png Orikalkum 62
Necronium bar.png Necronium 74
Bane bar.png Bane 81
Elder rune bar.png Elder Rune 92


The new Smithing interface

Items are no longer produced with every strike. Instead, an unfinished item is created at an anvil or forge (e.g. Unfinished Rune Platebody). Every strike of the anvil makes progress towards the item (the base is 10 progress per strike). Once the progress bar is full, the item is created. This works similarly to how ore is gained from Mining. Items, therefore, take much longer to create but give more XP per item. Unlike pre-rework, all equipment is unlocked and smithable at the same level.


Heat, a mechanic unlocked at level 10 Smithing, works similarly to stamina and rewards players for keeping their heat up while also allowing progress to be made for those that want to AFK. A bar above the player's head shows much heat is stored in the item being produced. Heat is refilled at a forge. All unfinished items begin on 10 heat. 10 heat is lost every strike of the anvil (every 2 ticks). A forge has been placed near every anvil. On the first beta, the forge was a tile away from the anvil resulting in a mere turn to refill. Forges more than a tile away are not recommended because they cause a loss in XP and progress per hour. The effect of this is similar to how Rogue's Den was the go-to location for Cooking due to its proximity to a bank – forges that have the lowest travel distance from an anvil are the only ones that will be used resigning the others to being dead. With the changes to Artisans Workshop, it is de facto the best place for Smithing.

Not all forges will be 1 square away. In a couple places like Prifddinas and the Artisans Workshop they will be for every anvil. We'd rather we get everyone smithing together in close proximity because that's good for the community. You're not wrong that other anvils will be dead but, they already are & it's actually damaging to our community if we spread them out all over the world. One map with 50 players on it is better for community health than 25 maps with 2. (That's not to say we're going to make one mega mine with every single rock in it, as that'd be a bit too much of a cop out).

Correspondence with Mod Deg

Heat Progress Multiplier Progess Made Per Strike
High 67%-100% {\displaystyle \times 2} 20
Medium 34%-66% {\displaystyle \times 1.5} 15
Low 1%-33% {\displaystyle \times 1} 10
Zero 0% {\displaystyle \times 0.5} 5

Although the base progress per strike is 10, this can be increased to 11 at certain levels dependent on metal:

Metal Level
Bronze bar.png Bronze 8
Iron bar.png Iron 13
Steel bar.png Steel 25
Mithril bar.png Mithril 34
Adamant bar.png Adamant 49
Rune bar.png Rune 51
Drakolith bar.png Orikalkum 68
Necronium bar.png Necronium 72
Bane bar.png Bane 83
Elder rune bar.png Elder Rune 99

This can be further increased to 12 when a Luminite injector is active.

Refilling Heat

By default it takes 6 ticks to heat an item to full from nothing. This can be lowered with higher Smithing levels, dependant on metal.

Metal Reheat Rate
6 4 2
Bronze bar.png Bronze 1 3 7
Iron bar.png Iron 10 12 18
Steel bar.png Steel 20 22 26
Mithril bar.png Mithril 30 35 39
Adamant bar.png Adamant 40 42 44
Rune bar.png Rune 50 54 58
Drakolith bar.png Orikalkum 60 67 69
Necronium bar.png Necronium 70 73 78
Bane bar.png Bane 80 82 85
Elder rune bar.png Elder Rune 90 93 96

Starting Heat

Newly created unfinished items always start with almost no heat (they begin with 10 heat so that the Autoheater can function when it drains to 0). However, at certain Smithing levels all items of a metal will always start with a player's maximum heat. These levels can be seen below:

Metal Level
Bronze bar.png Bronze 6
Iron bar.png Iron 16
Steel bar.png Steel 28
Mithril bar.png Mithril 36
Adamant bar.png Adamant 41
Rune bar.png Rune 59
Drakolith bar.png Orikalkum 63
Necronium bar.png Necronium 76
Bane bar.png Bane 87
Elder rune bar.png Elder Rune 98

Maximum Heat

The % Heat values scales off of your maximum heat.

{\displaystyle MaximumHeat=300+(3\times Smithinglevel)+(3\times Firemakinglevel)}

At level 99 Smithing and Firemaking, players have a maximum heat of {\displaystyle 894} .

Maximum Heat Calculator
Smithing level
Firemaking level
Your maximum heat at 1 Smithing and 1 Firemaking is 306.


Coal bag.png The Coal bag, purchasable via Dungeoneeering tokens, has been reworked into the Autoheater since the Ore Box usurps its function. The pre-rework iteration of the Coal bag has been removed from the game and players' Dungeoneering tokens refunded (if a player is at the maximum capacity of tokens, they have instead been given an Autoheater). A new item called the Autoheater has been added to the store for 4,000 Dungeoneering tokens (the same price the Coal bag was).

The Autoheater only works when the player has it in their inventory when Smithing. It consumes one coal from the metal bank, inventory, or ore box every time your heat depletes to refill it for {\displaystyle ({\frac {1}{3}})}  of your maximum heat allowing you to continue AFKing. This means that every coal would refill your heat 1% away from medium heat and so, instead of zero-heat smithing for 5 progress a strike, you AFK on low heat for 10 progress a strike. When used in conjunction with Superheat Form, the Autoheater will allow you to AFK on medium heat for 15 progress a strike.

The amount of Coal used per hour scales with maximum heat. Players can expect to use around 100-300 per hour based on Smithing level/maximum heat.

Bar Costs

The number of bars required to make each item type have been changed. Off-hand variants require the same amount of bars as their main-hands. Progress and XP scale with the number of bars required to forge an item (for instance, a Longsword, which requires 2 bars takes twice as long as Boots but gives double the XP. Thus, no matter which item type you smith your XP/h and bars used per hour should remain the same (assuming the same tier and heat management is employed). That said, ticks are wasted during the interface between items and (if the 'starting at max heat' levelling benefit has not been unlocked) your heat will reset to 10 – this means that the fewer items/h you create the less your heat resets and interface ticks wasted. For this reason, platebodies are better XP/h by a small margin.

Bars Required Cumulative Bar Cost for +5
Base +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Gauntlets[2]; Boots[2] 1 1 2 4 8 16 32
Longsword; Mace; Sword; Scimitar; Warhammer; Battleaxe; Claw; Hatchet[3]; Pickaxe; Helm[4]; Full Helm 2 2 4 8 16 32 64
Platelegs; Plateskirt; Square Shield[4]; Kiteshield 3 3 6 12 24 48 96
2H Sword 4 4 8 16 32 64 128
Platebody; Chainbody[4] 5 5 10 20 40 80 160
  1. ^ a b c Jagex. Mod Breezy's Twitter account. 11 November 2018. (Archived from the original on 11 November 2018.) Mod Breezy: "For those wondering, those bars are masterwork bars – meaning rare geodes have the chance to really boost the process of making masterwork On top of that, you're also guaranteed one strange or golden rock that you don't yet have!"
  2. ^ a b Bronze to Rune were slayer-only drops pre-rework. They will be smithable post-rework.
  3. ^Suity. TL;DW 358 – Mining and Smithing Rework Showcase. "New hatchets will not be released without a Woodcutting rework."*
  4. ^ a b c Suity. TL;DR 360 – Mining and Smithing FAQs. "Items like chainbodies, non-full helms, square shields etc. are 'legacy items' that won't be added to any of the tiers past Rune. Their stats will be made the same as their counterparts and will only really exist as an alternative cosmetic option (such as the difference between platelegs and plateskirts)."*

Ammo and nails require one bar. New ammo and nails have not been created for the new metals nor do they have upgraded variants. Because smithing one bar takes longer than before, the quantities made have been increased to:

  • 75 nails
  • 75 arrowheads
  • 50 unfinished bolts
  • 25 throwing knives/axes

Cannons and cannonballs remain unchanged. Halberds remain unsuitable (and since they've been removed from every drop table, the only way to obtain them now are through shops).

+X and Upgrading Equipment

Regular items are considered 'base items' – hence the bars required to forge them are their base bar cost. These can be upgraded a number of times based on metal. Each upgrade requires the previous version (i.e. Gloves+2 requires Gloves+1 and 1 bar) and upgrades the item tier by +1 (i.e. base Rune is T50, Rune+1 is T51). All upgraded versions are tradeable. See above for the number of bars required for each upgrade – they double for each upgrade past +1. The Attack/Defence level remains the same (i.e. Rune and Rune+1 both require 50 Attack/Defence).

Level Metal Number of Upgrades
1 Bronze bar.png Bronze +0
10 Iron bar.png Iron +1
20 Steel bar.png Steel +1
30 Mithril bar.png Mithril +2
40 Adamant bar.png Adamant +2
50 Rune bar.png Rune +3
60 Drakolith bar.png Orikalkum +3
70 Necronium bar.png Necronium +4
80 Bane bar.png Bane +4
90 Elder rune bar.png Elder Rune +5

There has been a lot of feedback from players that the tiers feel empty because you unlock everything of a new tier every 10 levels. The most frequent suggestion has been to spread the +X tiers across the 10 levels until your next unlock.

We're not planning to spread either the items or the upgrades across the levels. Instead there's a whole separate system of unlocks at each level

Correspondence with Mod Jack

The max +X XP/h of the previous tier is always higher than anything less than the same level upgrade of the next tier (i.e. Necronium+4 is better XP/h than Bane+3 and lower).

Progress and XP Values

The progress and XP values scale directly with the base bar cost. The XP values for +X items are determined by {\displaystyle XPperBar\times NumberofBarsRequiredForUpgrade}

The anvil is struck every two ticks (1.2s), and with every strike progress is gained based on current heat, losing 10 heat, and gaining XP. Once progress is completed the item is created. The distribution of the XP is uniform throughout the process.

Clicking the anvil resets the two ticks. Thus, repeatedly clicking the anvil will keep resetting the two-tick timer and no progress will be gained.

Multiply the following values by their base bar cost (i.e. Bane Platebody has a base bar cost of 5, thus the XP would be 3,500 and require 4,500 Progress).

Level Metal XP Per Bar Progress Per Bar
1 Bronze bar.png Bronze 15 100
10 Iron bar.png Iron 40 200
20 Steel bar.png Steel 75 300
30 Mithril bar.png Mithril 120 400
40 Adamant bar.png Adamant 170 500
50 Rune bar.png Rune 240 600
60 Drakolith bar.png Orikalkum 350 700
70 Necronium bar.png Necronium 500 800
80 Bane bar.png Bane 700 900
90 Elder rune bar.png Elder Rune 1,000 1,000

Progress and XP Per Item Values

Protean bar.png


XP Counter icon.png


Artisans Workshop

The Artisans Workshop and its activities are reinvented as a proper 'Smithing Guild'. The Smithing Guild will become the default location for players to smith together socially.


The pre-rework layout of the workshop (bottom is East; top is West)

The underground section, the skilling activities it contains, and the stairs leading down to it have been removed completely. The tracks and cannon making activities are unpopular and serve no real purpose in the progression of redesigned smithing.

The surface section is divided into two rooms. The western part of the building (top half in the image) is a general purpose smithing area. The furnaces have been replaced with forges, the ingot area has been replaced with a furnace, and a bank has been added. Near the middle of the room is a special port for applying a Luminite Injector.

The eastern part of the building (bottom half in the image where burial armour used to be made) has been walled off with a door requiring 40 smithing to pass. This is the 'Smithing Guild'. In this area, players can make burial equipment. Elof and his rewards shop have been moved here.


Activity Change
Burial Armour Reworked into Burial Equipment
Ceremonial Swordmaking Reworked into a D&D
Burst Pipes No change. Same XP and respect
Animated Armour Removed
Bronze Ceremonial Swords D&D
Ingot system

Burial Equipment

Burial armour, along with the ingot system, has been completely removed since the AFK smithing it provides is now possible through the basic mechanics of smithing (also, with bars being used directly from the metal bank it'll feel similar mechanically). Instead, it has been reworked into Burial equipment (previously called decorated armour). Burial equipment can only be made on special anvils in the eastern room of the building.

Adamant equipment and above can have their highest +X items made into burial equipment (i.e. Rune+3 and Elder Rune+5 can be made into Rune and Elder Rune burial equipment respectively.). Burial equipment works like upgrading equipment but requires no additional bars and, once complete destroys the item automatically. They still use the standard smithing mechanics of heat and progress. The burial process requires half of the progress required for the highest +X while providing the same XP for no extra cost in bars (e.g. Elder Rune+5 requires 1600 progress per base bar cost and gives 16,000 XP; Burial Elder Rune requires 800 progress per base bar cost and gives 16,000 XP).

Burial Sets

Players can also make burial armour sets (helm, platebody, platelegs, kiteshield, gauntlets, and boots) in one go for +5% base XP. This requires the same amount of progress for smithing the pieces individually (but is slightly faster due to not having to waste heat/ticks between items). This is the best XP/h for smithing.

Level Metal Progress Required XP Per Burial Set
Base Solemn Smith I Solemn Smith II Solemn Smith III Solemn Smith IV Solemn Smith V
40 Adamant bar.png Adamant 3,750 5,355 5,406 5,457 5,508 5,559 5,610
50 Rune bar.png Rune 5,400 15,120 15,264 15,408 15,552 15,696 15,840
60 Drakolith bar.png Orikalkum 6,300 22,050 22,260 22,470 22,680 22,890 23,100
70 Necronium bar.png Necronium 8,400 63,000 63,600 64,200 64,800 65,400 66,000
80 Bane bar.png Bane 9,450 88,200 89,040 89,880 90,720 91,560 92,400
90 Elder rune bar.png Elder Rune 12,000 252,000 254,400 256,800 259,200 261,600 264,000

Ceremonial Swordmaking

Ceremonial swordmaking is now an occasional D&D which randomly occurs while smithing in the workshop (similar to Deep Sea Fishing D&Ds; is not a daily or time restricted). Because of this, ceremonial sword smithing daily challenges have been removed.

Whenever the player finishes smithing any item in the workshop (including burial equipment), they have a chance to receive a ceremonial sword design. The chance scales with the progress required for the item to ensure faster or slower items generate designs at the same rate. Players can only own one design at a time.

The design received is random and only determines which sword pattern is to be made (I-V). Players can choose which metal (Bronze – Rune) to make the sword out of with higher levels metals having a higher smithing level requirement and more difficult to get a good score on but award more XP. The XP reward is balanced to be generous for the player's level for the time spent, and very generous for materials since no materials need to be used. Ceremonial swords have not been added for the new bars above rune.


Since the underground portion of the workshop has been removed, the rewards shop has moved to the eastern half of the building (requires level 40 smithing).

Respect is earned by earning Smithing XP anywhere in the building at the same rate (1% respect for every 10,000 XP earned). This means that players can earn respect through "normal smithing" as long as they do it inside the Artisans Workshop. Any old rewards have been converted across to the new rewards, so if you've unlocked the old version you'll automatically unlock the new version. Unlocking all Artisans Workshop main unlocks is a Trimmed Completionist Cape requirement (although only Solemn Smith IV and V are new rewards, the rest are the same rewards with reworked effects). The Blacksmith's outfit and cosmetic overrides are not required for the requirement.

Reward Price (Respect) New Effect Trim Req
Quick Repairs 5% No change Yes check.svg
Repair Expert 15% Yes check.svg
Golden Cannon 50% Yes check.svg
Royale Cannon 100% Yes check.svg
Restocking Cannon 100% Yes check.svg
Sword Polishing Kit 1%
Quick Leaner 20% Reworked into Solemn Smith I, II, and III, with Solemn Smith IV and V being entirely new. Those that have unlocked these already have Solemn Smith I-III automatically unlocked
Budding Student 40%
Master Student 60%
Solemn Smith I 20% Making complete burial armour sets gives +1% XP per bar (stacking up to +5%). Requires the previous upgrade Yes check.svg
Solemn Smith II 40% Yes check.svg
Solemn Smith III 60% Yes check.svg
Solemn Smith IV 80% Yes check.svg
Solemn Smith V 100% Yes check.svg
Ceremonial Sword Orders 50% The player has a higher chance to get a ceremonial sword design when finishing smithing an item Yes check.svg
Ceremonial Swordsmith I-V 30% (150% total) Making a ceremonial sword gives +1% XP per upgrade Yes check.svg
Bonus Package 100% Reworked into Luminite Injector
Luminite Injector 100% each +1 base progress for all players in the workshop for 5 minutes
Blacksmith's outfit piece 50%
(300% total)
With ceremonial swords being reworked, the Blacksmith's outfit has instead been put in the rewards shop, costing 50% per piece (5 pieces) and another 50% for the Blacksmith's helmet add-on
Cosmetic override 100%
(300% total)
Cosmetic overrides for the old rework armours: Necturion armour, Invictum armour, and Aetherium armour

Luminite Injector

Costs 100% respect (every 1M XP) each. In the center of the western part of the building is a device with a hole in it. Using a Luminite Injector on the device causes the workshop to get a buff for 5 minutes. While the buff is active a new Luminite Injector cannot be applied to prevent waste, but can instead be queued up for use once the active one expires.

For the duration of the buff, the colour of the forges and pipes changes from orange to blue to make it obvious for all players that an injector is active. All smithing in the workshop (both eastern and western rooms), including burial equipment, generate +1 base progress per strike (increasing from 10 to 11). This is approximately a 10% increase in base smithing XP and smithing speed but varies based on stats and bonuses (see the Smithing calculator).

Heat Progress Multiplier Progess Per Strike(without Injector) Progress Per Strike(with Injector)
High 67%-100% {\displaystyle \times 2} 20 22
Medium 34%-66% {\displaystyle \times 1.5} 15 16.5
Low 1%-33% {\displaystyle \times 1} 10 11
None 0% {\displaystyle \times 0.5} 5 5.5

Portable Forge

Portable forge.png Luminite injectors were designed to be a replacement for portable forges, as a result portable forges have been removed. Skilling packs give injectors instead, as well as forge slots on treasure hunter being replaced by injectors. Due to their removal, all existing portable forges have been replaced with a singular skilling pack to give players the choice between swapping to another type of portable, or the injector.

Blacksmith's Outfit

Blacksmith's helmet.pngBlacksmith's top.pngBlacksmith's apron.pngBlacksmith's gloves.pngBlacksmith's boots.png Rather than being obtained via ceremonial swordmaking, each piece of the Blacksmith's outfit is purchasable for 100% respect.

Modified blacksmith's helmet.png The Modified blacksmith's helmet still gives the same amount of daily Coal (useful for the Autoheater). Instead of the 5% chance to save coal when smelting, it now gives a 5% additional chance for double bars when smelting.

Armour Spikes

Previously referred to as the 'Smithing overload', armour spikes are a consumable item which gives the player using them a 'thorns' effect. This effect causes any enemy who strikes the player from an adjacent square to take damage. The amount of damage they take scales with the player's Smithing level (capped at 99), not with the incoming hit (it is not a 'reflect').

Forging Armour Spikes

Armour spikes are untradeable, requiring 90 Smithing to forge. Smithing XP is awarded at the same rate as other base Elder Rune items.

Recipe Progress and XP Ingredients
1,000 Armour Spikes 1,000 1 Elder rune bar.png  Elder rune bar
10,000 Armour Spikes 10,000 10 Elder rune bar.png  Elder rune bar

Using Armour Spikes

Conceptually the player is adding spikes to their equipped armour, but adding the spikes to specific pieces of armour would conflict technically with invention, prevent the armour from stacking in the bank, and cause other QOL nastiness. Using a separate item avoids all of these problems.

Armour spikes can be carried in the inventory, or put in the ammo slot. They cannot, however, be placed in a Tirannwn quiver.

Armour spikes only work when all of the following are true:

  • Only melee weapons are equipped.
  • Melee chest and legs are worn.
  • Armour spikes are in inventory or ammo slot.
  • The player gets attacked by an enemy (hit or miss).
  • The enemy is adjacent to the player [they specifically do not work at a range of 2 (halberds)]. The enemy only has to be adjacent, the style of the enemy is irrelevant (i.e. they do not need to be melee).

One armour spike is consumed every time the player is attacked, with the enemy taking 90-99 melee stab damage, based on Smithing level. If the player is wielding a melee shield, the damage dealt by the armour spikes is x2 (180-198), and x1.5 (135-148.5) if using a melee defender.

If a monster dies to armour spike damage, and the player hasn't damaged it in any other way, the player doesn't get credit for the kill. This allows skillers to use the spikes in a 'ring of recoil fashion' while preventing them just sitting there with an aggression potion.

Masterwork Armour

Masterwork armour requires 99 smithing to make (every step of the creation process listed below requires this) and access to the dragon forge (completion of While Guthix Sleeps is required). It is intentionally complicated, time consuming and expensive in order to add value to the items and make them profitable to make. Making masterwork armour is not a good source of XP because it is not designed to be a training method – if it gave good XP it would undermine its value. Therefore, only token XP is awarded for each stage of the process. For this reason, making Masterwork is not a Completionist cape requirement.

Unlike the regular metals, masterwork armour is power armour and has only one tier (so is not subject to +X mechanics). It is a complete set of five pieces: helmet, platebody, platelegs, gauntlets, and boots. There are no masterwork weapons or shields.

Masterwork armour is T90 and requires level 90 defence to wear. Masterwork armour degrades to broken. Consumable smithing items are needed to repair them. The platebody and platelegs are augmentable – augmented masterwork does not degrade and uses charges from the charge pack.

Masterwork armour can be combined with Torva and Malevolent to make Trimmed Masterwork Armour (T92 melee power armour).

Unlocking Masterwork Armour

Before any piece of masterwork armour can be created, the player must unlock the ability to make that piece. Doing so simply requires the player to make an Elder Rune+5 version for that slot, but they must do it from scratch. This means making a base Elder Rune piece, upgrading it to +1, +2, +3, +4, and then +5. For example, unlocking the ability to make masterwork platebodies requires the creation from scratch of an Elder Rune platebody+5. Mining and smelting are not considered part of this 'from scratch' process, so purchased bars will work. Fully unlocking the ability to forge masterwork armour is a Completionist cape requirement (see the 'It Should Have Been Called Aetherium' achievement below).

Item Bars required
Elder rune helm.png Elder Rune Helm +5 64
Elder rune platebody.png Elder Rune Platebody +5 160
Elder rune platelegs.png Elder Rune Platelegs +5 96
Elder rune gloves.png Elder Rune Gauntlets +5 32
Elder rune boots.png Elder Rune Boots +5 32
Total 384

Creating Masterwork Armour I: Bars

The bar creation process uses flat ticks instead of progress and thus cannot be sped up in any way.

Immaculate Alloy Bars

Enriched alloy bars are a combination of each of the core metal bars combined into a single bar. Enriched, concentrated, and immaculate alloy bars are all tradeable. The amount of core metal bars required to make Masterwork is expected to be lowered since it is currently too high.

Input Ticks Output
1Bronze bar.png Bronze
1Iron bar.png Iron
1Steel bar.png Steel
1Mithril bar.png Mithril
1Adamant bar.png Adamant
1Rune bar.png Rune
1Drakolith bar.png Orikalkum
1Necronium bar.png Necronium
1Bane bar.png Bane
1Elder rune bar.png Elder Rune
4 1 Concentrated Alloy Bar
10 Concentrated Alloy Bars 8 1 Enriched Alloy Bar
10 Enriched Alloy Bars 16 1 Immaculate Alloy Bar

From the above table, it can be seen that 100 of each bar → 100 concentrated alloy bars → 10 enriched alloy bars → 1 immaculate alloy bar.

Input Ticks Output
100Bronze bar.png Bronze
100Iron bar.png Iron
100Steel bar.png Steel
100Mithril bar.png Mithril
100Adamant bar.png Adamant
100Rune bar.png Rune
100Drakolith bar.png Orikalkum
100Necronium bar.png Necronium
100Bane bar.png Bane
100Elder rune bar.png Elder Rune
400 100 Concentrated Alloy Bar
100 Concentrated Alloy Bars 80 10 Enriched Alloy Bars
10 Enriched Alloy Bars 16 1 Immaculate Alloy Bar
Total 496 4.96 (Minutes)

Since 12 immaculate alloy bars are needed a complete set of Masterwork armour: 1,200 of each bar → 1,200 concentrated alloy bars → 120 enriched alloy bars → 12 immaculate alloy bars.

Input Ticks Output
1200Bronze bar.png Bronze
1200Iron bar.png Iron
1200Steel bar.png Steel
1200Mithril bar.png Mithril
1200Adamant bar.png Adamant
1200Rune bar.png Rune
1200Drakolith bar.png Orikalkum
1200Necronium bar.png Necronium
1200Bane bar.png Bane
1200Elder rune bar.png Elder Rune
4800 1200 Concentrated Alloy Bar
1200 Concentrated Alloy Bars 960 120 Enriched Alloy Bars
120 Enriched Alloy Bars 192 12 Immaculate Alloy Bars
Total 5952 59.52 (Minutes)

Glorious Bars

Glorious bars are immaculate alloy bars which have been folded 1001 times in order to make them glorious. The folding process is very simple but lengthy. Every time the bar is folded, a variable increments on the player. Once this variable reaches 1000, the next time the bar is folded it becomes a glorious bar. This means that only one bar can be folded at a time. The recipe can be queued up to be repeated using the Make-X interface. Glorious bars are tradeable but partially folded bars are not.

Input Ticks Output
Immaculate Alloy Bar 4 Folded Alloy Bar (0)
Folded Alloy Bar (X) 4 Folded Alloy Bar (X+1)
Folded Alloy Bar (0) 4,000 Folded Alloy Bar (1000)
Folded Alloy Bar (1000) 4 Glorious Bar
Total 4,008 40.08 (Minutes)
Total For Set 48,096 8.016 (Hours)

Creating Masterwork Armour II: Item Assembly

Once the glorious bars have been collected, they need to be made into the armour. Any recipe that requires progress must be completed at an anvil and uses the smithing and heat mechanics (and by extension can be sped up using boosts). Recipes that use a fixed amount of ticks can be performed from the inventory.

Masterwork Rivets

These rivets are used for the final step: unfinished masterwork items need to go through the same process as glorious bars (riveting in this case instead of folding), repeatedly until finished.

Input Progress Output
1Steel bar.png Steel bar 20 10 Masterwork Rivets
12Steel bar.png Steel bars 240 120 Masterwork Rivets

The second row is not a recipe, it is merely to show how many are needed for a set.

Untempered Masterwork Armour Pieces

This and rivets are the only steps of the process which use the heat mechanics and must be done at an anvil. These pieces are untradeable.

Input Progress Output
Glorious Bar 1,000 Masterwork Plate
Masterwork Plate 500 Curved Masterwork Plate
Curved Masterwork Plate 100 Untempered Masterwork Armour Piece
Total Progress 1,600
Total Progress For Set 19,200

Lined Masterwork Armour Pieces

Since the Dragon forge is required, Masterwork armour's creation process is gated behind the completion of While Guthix Sleeps. These pieces are untradeable.

Input Ticks Output
Untempered Masterwork Armour Piece 100
(At Dragon forge)
Masterwork Armour Piece
1 Masterwork Armour Piece
1Leather.png Soft leather
10 Lined Masterwork Armour Piece
Total 110 1.1 (Minutes)
Total For Set 1,320 13.2 (Minutes)

12 Leather.png  Leather required for set:4,128.

Completed Armour

As with glorious bars, unfinished masterwork items need to have the same process (riveting in this case) applied to them repeatedly until finished. These pieces are untradeable except the final, completed masterwork item.

Masterwork Helmet Masterwork Platebody Masterwork Platelegs Masterwork Gauntlets Masterwork Boots

Input Ticks Output
2 Lined Masterwork Armour Pieces 10 Unfinished Masterwork Helmet (0)
Unfinished Masterwork Helmet (X)
1 Masterwork Rivet
5 Unfinished Masterwork Helmet (X+1)
Unfinished Masterwork Helmet (0)
20 Masterwork Rivets
100 Unfinished Masterwork Helmet (20)
Unfinished Masterwork Helmet (20) 10 Masterwork Helmet
Total 120 1.2 (Minutes)

Trimmed Masterwork Armour

Trimmed masterwork Armour is a T92 upgraded version of the T90 power armour Masterwork. This will be the only source of tier 92 melee power armour available, ensuring its value. Trimmed masterwork armour degrades to broken and is repaired simply by combining it with the equivalent piece of fully repaired regular, non-upgraded T90 masterwork armour. This means that the full cost in smithing materials needs to be paid again, but the PVM materials do not need to be replaced. This repair process does not require any particular Smithing level to perform.

Trimmed masterwork armour is augmentable and tradeable. A piece of augmented upgraded masterwork armour uses an internal charge pack similarly to how Malevolent works, rather than drawing from the player's charge pack. This means that augmenting the item requires the up-front consumption of 36 divine charges. When the item degrades, the charge is also simultaneously depleted. Once the item degrades to broken, it needs to be both repaired and recharged. As well as the usual repair cost (an equivalent masterwork armour piece), another 36 divine charges must be consumed in order to make the repair.

It is a complete set of all five pieces: helmet, platebody, platelegs, gauntlets, boots. There are no trimmed masterwork weapons or shields, although cosmetic versions may be made in the future.

Energised Inlays

Energised inlays are combinations of melted down Torva armour and Malevolent armour. The essence is obtained by melting down pieces at the Dragon forge. Essence is obtained based on the base bar cost of the armour type. Only fully repaired Torva can be melted (and only Torva, other Nex drops cannot be melted). Malevolent on the other hand, gives essence proportional to its current charge (e.g. a helmet at 50% charge gives one essence rather than two. This value is rounded down to the nearest whole essence). Malevolent essence is used rather than Malevolent energy so that the existing mechanics and items of Barrows: Rise of the Six are protected somewhat. If energy were used instead, the armour would lose a lot of its value. Energised inlays, Praesulic essence, and Malevolent essence are tradeable.

Input Ticks Output
1 Elder rune bar.png  Elder rune bar
1 Praesulic Essence
1 Malevolent Essence
100 Energised Inlay
12 Elder rune bar.png  Elder rune bar
12 Praesulic Essence
12 Malevolent Essence
1,200 12 Energise Inlays

Praesulic Essence

Item Ticks Essence Price Per Essence
Torva full helm.png Torva full helm 20 2 2,826,499
Torva platebody.png Torva platebody 50 5 4,767,076
Torva platelegs.png Torva platelegs 30 3 6,003,467
Torva gloves.png Torva gloves 10 1 3,043,211
Torva boots.png Torva boots 10 1 12,218,604
Total 120 12 33,917,988

The total price is taken from the cheapest Torva piece.

Malevolent Essence

Item Ticks Essence Price Per Essence
Malevolent helm.png Malevolent helm 20 2 2,144,958
Malevolent cuirass.png Malevolent cuirass 50 5 2,646,714
Malevolent greaves.png Malevolent greaves 20 2 4,443,532
Total 120 12 25,739,490

The total price is taken from the cheapest Malevolent piece.

Forging Trimmed Masterwork

The process of making trimmed masterwork armour is much simpler and faster than making masterwork armour. However, it still requires 99 Smithing.

Input Ticks Output
Masterwork Helmet
2 Energised Inlays
40 Trimmed Masterwork Helmet
Masterwork Platebody
5 Energised Inlays
100 Trimmed Masterwork Platebody
Masterwork Platelegs
3 Energised Inlays
60 Trimmed Masterwork Platelegs
Masterwork Gauntlets
1 Energised Inlay
20 Trimmed Masterwork Gauntlets
Masterwork Boots
1 Energised Inlay
20 Trimmed Masterwork Boots
Total 240 2.4 (Minutes)


Bane is now a core metal. There is only one type of bane ore in the game (the bane ore mined in the glacor and abomination caves is the same ore as can be mined elsewhere at other bane ore sites) and it is tradeable. Players can choose to smelt the ore normally or, if requiring Bane ammunition, tune the ore first.

Tuned Bane Ammo

Tune Bane Ore icon.png The method of tuning bane ore unlocked by Ritual of the Mahjarrat is unchanged. The Tune Bane Ore spell is still required in the same manner. The Smithing still requires the Kethsian anvil, but will use the reworked heat mechanics to do so – requiring the same progress and giving the same XP as a bane bar.

Tuned Bane Melee

In addition, a new method of tuning melee bane has been added. This is a purely Smithing process and doesn't involve Tune Bane Ore (and by extension does not require Ritual of the Mahjarrat). To smith tuned bane melee, as with untuned bane armours and weapons, 80 Smithing is required. There are no other quest or other requirements to do this. A fully upgraded (+4) weapon or shield is forged with a secondary item of the type you wish to create, both items are consumed in the process. The XP and Progress are akin to Elder rune bars and so, in in the Smithing calculator, the values are identical to Elder rune base. These recipes can be made at any anvil, they are not restricted to Kethsi. Offhand longswords are made the in same way as longswords.)

Tuned bane weapons have a slightly different effect to tuned ammo. Against their tuned targets, they increase damage by 25% but do not have increased accuracy. Otherwise, they have the same stats as bane +4 (T79 accuracy and damage).

Tuned bane shields have a thorns effect against their tuned targets, meaning that they deal damage to any enemy that hits the wielder. The damage they deal will need to be balanced along with the armour spikes. The damage dealt is not a reflect, and does not scale with the damage dealt by the attacker.

Revenantbane ammo does not exist.


Input Progress/XP Output
Bane longsword.png Bane Longsword +4
1 Abyssal whip.png  Abyssal whip
4,000 Abyssalbane Longsword
Bane shield.png Bane Shield +4
1 Abyssal whip.png  Abyssal whip
4,000 Abyssalbane Shield
Bane 2h sword.png Bane 2H Sword +4
2 Abyssal whip.png  Abyssal whip
8,000 Abyssalbane 2H Sword


Input Progress/XP Output
Bane longsword.png Bane Longsword +4
1 Draconic visage.png  Draconic visage
4,000 Dragonbane Longsword
Bane shield.png Bane Shield +4
1 Draconic visage.png  Draconic visage
4,000 Dragonbane Shield
Bane 2h sword.png Bane 2H Sword +4
2 Draconic visage.png  Draconic visage
8,000 Dragonbane 2H Sword

Dragonbane may have been changed to using a Dragonfire shield instead and given the anti dragon shield effect.


Input Progress/XP Output
Bane longsword.png Bane Longsword +4
'Melee ancient warrior weapons'
4,000 Revenantbane Longsword
Bane shield.png Bane Shield +4
'Melee ancient warrior weapons'
4,000 Revenantbane Shield
Bane 2h sword.png Bane 2H Sword +4
'Melee ancient warrior weapons'
8,000 Revenantbane Sword

Protean Bars

Protean bar.png Protean bars do not work with the new smithing mechanics and instead remain a simple 8-tick Make-X process (750 bars used per hour). This allows them to remain as a completely AFK training method. However, it also means that any smithing bonuses to progress, heat etc do not apply to protean bars. In particular, luminite injectors (which replace portable forges) do not give any benefit to protean bars. The one exception is smithing XP bonuses (like the blacksmith's outfit) which work as normal.

To compensate for this, the XP values have been buffed slightly. The curve has also been slightly adjusted so that protean bars are better at higher levels and not as good at lower levels.

Level Metal XP Per Bar Base XP Per Hour
1 Bronze 65 48,750
10 Iron 100 75,000
20 Steel 130 97,500
30 Mithril 165 123,750
40 Adamant 200 150,000
50 Rune 230 172,500
60 Orikalkum 265 198,750
70 Necronium 330 247,500
80 Bane 400 300,000
90 Elder Rune 530 397,500

Tiers and Stats

The following is how each metal lines up in terms of tier. It should be remembered that all core smithable armours aretank. The T90 Masterwork armour and T92 Trimmed masterwork armour are both power armours. There is also a misconception that chainbodies, helms etc. will be power variants.

Metal Smithing level to forge Combat level to wear[1] Base Item Tier +X Max Tier
Bronze 1 1 5 +0 5
Iron 10 10 10 +1 11
Steel 20 20 20 +1 21
Mithril 30 30 30 +2 32
Adamant 40 40 40 +2 42
Rune 50 50 50 +3 53
Dragon (Power) [2] 60 60 +0 60
Orikalkum 60 60 60 +3 63
Necronium 70 70 70 +4 74
Bane 80 80 75 +4 79
Elder Rune 90 90 80 +5 85
Masterwork (Power; Armour only) 99 90 90 +0 90
Trimmed Masterwork (Power; Armour only) 99 92 92 +0 92

There are no masterwork shields or weapons. Berserker shield stats are unchanged, and new high level berserker shields have not been made.

  1. ^Attack level for weapons; Defence level for armour.
  2. ^Dragon equipment is not smithable and has been changed from Tank to Power armour.


Dragon armour has been changed into T60 power armour. This gives it a clear distinction from Orikalkum, and is consistent with PvM being the source of mid-level power armour.

Dragonbone armour is also power armour. The dragonbone gauntlets have changed from hybrid to melee power armour. They are no longer made by upgrading culinaromancer's gloves 9, instead, the kit is used on dragon gauntlets.

New Metal Weapons

The new metals each have a full armour set (consisting of a full helm, platebody, platelegs, boots, gauntlets, and kiteshield), a dual-wield set, and a 2-handed weapon. Unlike the lower metals (bronze-rune), which are filled, the new metals only have one DW set and one 2H weapon due to weapons of the same tier being practically identical. In future, especially with the move towards weapon diversity, more weapons maybe added to these metals. No armour variations such as chainbodies have been made either (although still smithable for the lower metals). Bane is the exception in that it can, similar to its ranged ammo, be attuned to a specific species.

Level Metal Dual-Wield 2-Handed
60 Drakolith bar.png Orikalkum Warhammers Maul
70 Necronium bar.png Necronium Battleaxes Great Axe
80 Bane bar.png Bane Longswords 2H Sword
90 Elder rune bar.png Elder Rune Longswords 2H Sword

Degradation and Repair

The new armours and weapons, except Orikalkum which does not degrade, all degrade to broken. However, they are not repaired with the usual method. The new metal armours and weapons (Necronium, Bane, Elder Rune) can be repaired at an anvil by using the equipment with a proportion of the same amount of bars equal to the percentage that is being repaired. For instance, an Elder rune platebody+5 requires 80 bars in addition to the Elder rune platebody+4 to create normally. To repair a fully broken Elder rune platebody, you need the broken platebody and 80 bars (40 bars if it still had 50% charges). This repairing process requires the same amount of progress as if they were making an Elder rune platebody+5 normally, and will grant the same amount of XP and XP/h. Although the question may be posed: 'If it requires the same amount of bars and progress, why not just make a new one?', you do not need another Elder rune platebody+4 to repair the +5 (in this way, depending on prices, players making Elder rune platebody+5s to train have the choice between purchasing Elder rune platebody+4s or broken Elder rune platebody+5s for their ingredients).

Masterwork armour's repair process is different. Trimmed masterwork armour requires masterwork armour pieces to repair.

Tier Tables


Tier Tank showPower
  1. ^As with Elite sirenic armour and Elite tectonic armour, it is likely the power bonus on Trimmed Masterwork is T95.


Tier Mainhand Offhand 2H Halberd showSpear

Economy: Drop Tables and Spring Cleaner

Ores, bars, and smithables will be removed from all monster drop tables and none of the higher tier ores or bars will be put on the tables. The aim is to keep monsters around the same GP/H but make Mining and Smithing the main source of these items. Also, level adjustments in the rework mean that old gear will be less valuable than it was, so the drops need to be changed to protect the value of the drop table.

Current Drop New Drop
Smithables Salvage
Ores and Bars Stone Spirits


Rune salvage

All dropped smithable equipment have been removed(?) from drop tables save for a few rare exceptions such as arrows or bolts. A new type of item, salvage has been introduced which has similar alch and disassembly properties to pre-rework drops, but cannot be used or turned into ore with the spring cleaner, and cannot be equipped. Salvage doesn't stack and is tradeable. There are 120 distinct kinds of salvage, divided into five sizes, six tiers and four types in the format: '<size> <type> <metal tier> salvage'.

Existing drop tables have been altered by swapping out equipment for salvage. The salvage is of the same tier as the replaced item (e.g. rune items have been replaced with rune salvage) and the type is the closest match to the item being replaced (e.g. platebodies have been replaced with plated salvage). The size is equal to the pre-rework number of bars that make that item (e.g. Dagger = Tiny, Platebody = Huge). Halberds have been replaced with two huge salvages.

Metal Tiers

The six tiers of salvage are named after the first six metals (Bronze – Rune). They are only named this way to give players a recognisable name associated with a particular tier of value (i.e. at a glance players will know that adamant salvage is more valuable than steel salvage). There is no direct mechanical relationship between salvage and its associated metal – nor can the spring cleaner be used on it to get ore from it.

The tier determines the base alch value of the item, and the amount of components it can yield from disassembly. Later tiers (Orikalkum – Elder Rune) can be added if it is found that they are needed for balancing and filling out drop tables.

The base values for high alch and components are multiplied by the size of the salvage.

Tier Base High Alch Base Junk Chance
Bronze 20 98.9%
Iron 65 89%
Steel 240 78%
Mithril 600 67%
Adamant 2,000 56%
Rune 8,000 45%


These increases work as multipliers for the base high alch and component rate. Each salvage gives a base component rate of three.

Size Multiplier Equipment
Tiny {\displaystyle \times 1} Daggers; Hatchets; Maces; Med Helms; Limbs?; Swords; Gauntlets; Boots; Claws; Sword
Small {\displaystyle \times 2} Scimitars; Pickaxes; Longswords; Full Helms; Square Shields
Medium {\displaystyle \times 3} Warhammers; Battleaxes; Chainbodies; Kiteshields; 2H Swords; Platelegs; Plateskirts; Spears
Large {\displaystyle \times 4} No items use 4 bars
Huge {\displaystyle \times 5} Platebodies

Rune equipment use a different conversion table due to the value of most drops being reliant on alch values.

Size Multiplier Equipment
Tiny {\displaystyle \times 1} Gauntlets; Boots; Med Helms; Daggers; Maces; Claws; Swords; Hatchets
Small {\displaystyle \times 2} No items are converted to Small Salvage
Medium {\displaystyle \times 3} Full Helms; Square Shields; Scimitars; Longswords; Warhammers; Spears; Pickaxes
Large {\displaystyle \times 4} Chainbodies; Platelegs; Plateskirts; Kiteshields; Battleaxes; 2H Swords
Huge {\displaystyle \times 5} Platebodies; Halberds(x2)

As an example, a Rune platebody.png  Rune platebody will drop huge rune salvage instead which alchs for {\displaystyle 8,000\times 5=} 40,000.


The four types of salvage between them cover all the possible components that can currently be disassembled from smithable gear.

Type Often Rarely Equipment
Bladed Base parts.png Base
Blade parts.png Blade
Metallic parts.png Metallic
Sharp components.png Sharp
Subtle components.png Subtle
Dextrous components.png Dextrous
Scimitars; Longswords; Battleaxes; 2H Swords; Halberds(x2); Hatchets
Spiky Connector parts.png Connector
Spiked parts.png Spiked
Crafted parts.png Crafted
Swift components.png Swift
Precise components.png Precise
Light components.png Light
Daggers; Claws; Swords; Spears; Pickaxes
Blunt Stave parts.png Stave
Head parts.png Head
Smooth parts.png Smooth
Stunning components.png Stunning
Direct components.png Direct
Strong components.png Strong
Plated Cover parts.png Cover
Plated parts.png Plated
Deflecting parts.png Deflecting
Protective components.png Protective
Heavy components.png Heavy
Strong components.png Strong
Gauntlets; Boots; Med Helms; Full Helms; Sq Shields; Kiteshields; Chainbodies; Platelegs; Plateskirts; Platebodies

Alch Values

Coming soon.

Drop High Alch Value Spring Cleaner Profit
Pre-Rework Salvage Change Pre-Rework Salvage Change

Bottled Stone Spirits

Bottled stone spirits

Metal ore and bars have been removed from drop tables and replaced with a new item: bottled stone spirits. When receiving ore through mining a stone spirit of that same type of ore is consumed granting an additional piece of ore (i.e. doubles the ore rate). Since each spirit only produces a single piece of ore, large numbers of them need to be carried by miners if they want continual double yields. No additional XP is awarded for the extra ore. If more than one ore was gained (e.g. via Varrock armour) still only 1 stone spirit is consumed and 1 additional ore gained (for a total of 3; base, one from the armour, one from the stone spirit). It is not possible to disassemble these spirits.

Each type of stone spirit stacks with its own type. All stone spirits are tradeable. There is one type of stone spirit for each core ore:

  • Copper stone spirit
  • Tin stone spirit
  • Iron stone spirit
  • Coal stone spirit
  • Silver stone spirit
  • Gold stone spirit
  • Mithril stone spirit
  • Adamant stone spirit
  • Luminite stone spirit
  • Runite stone spirit
  • Orikalkum stone spirit
  • Drakolith stone spirit
  • Necrite stone spirit
  • Phasmatite stone spirit
  • Banite stone spirit
  • Light animica stone spirit
  • Dark animica stone spirit

Stone spirits appear on drop tables (including bosses, minigames, thieving etc) replacing bars and ores on a 1-for-1 basis. However, because the metal tiers are being squashed, some ore and bar drops may be replaced with higher tier replacements. For example, rune bars might get replaced with bane or animica stone spirits on profitable drop tables. This is subject to balancing and not a promise, and so, for now, spirits above Rune have not been added to tables (the only way to get higher ones is through the use of a Juju mining potion).

Metallic dragons have had their guaranteed bar drop replaced with an equal number of stone spirits of the same metal (with coal spirits for steel dragons). Unlike the old metallic bar drops from these dragons, the spirits are stackable.

Spring Cleaner

With the removal of mining and smithing items from drop tables, the spring cleaner has been left with: Battlestaves, Dragonhide, and Dragonstone Jewellery – thus losing a majority of its use. Two new modes will be added that only work with the new salvage items: Disassembly mode and Alch mode. The modes will be allowed to be configured on a per-tier and per-type basis (but not per-size), so players can disassemble certain items while alching others.

Mode Cleaner level Notes
Dismantle Any Does not work on salvage. Uses springs.
Alch Spring Cleaner 3000 Works only on salvage. Uses one spring per salvage.
Disassembly Spring Cleaner 5000 Works only on salvage. Does not use springs.

Dismantle Mode

Salvage items cannot be dismantled. This mode will not work in the rare cases where a smithable item remains on drop tables (e.g. arrows and bolts). Other, non-smithing related items will continue to be dismantable for now but this may change in the future as the economy of other skills is looked at (currently no plans to do so).

Alch Mode

A new mode available to the Spring cleaner 3000 and above. Only works on salvage items. Uses one spring to high alch the salvage item. No runes are consumed, nor is any magic XP awarded. An active golden touch sigil will take priority over the spring cleaner resulting in no springs being used.

Disassembly Mode

A new mode available to the Spring cleaner 5000 and above. Automatically disassembles all salvage item drops that activate the spring cleaner. This mode does not use springs. A positive of this mode is that, due to not using any springs, the settings of the cleaner can be changed to Bronze – Rune to gain components from drops that would have been ignored pre-rework.

Preserving Banks

Bars and ores in players' banks have not been replaced as part of the rework. Equipment in banks (Steel to Rune) have been replaced with a token which you can use to buy your choice of salvage or equipment depending on whether you want gear or an item alchable for equivalent value. Tokens are separated into tiers, so Steel equipment is converted into steel tokens, and Rune equipment is converted into Rune tokens. This means that on release, no base equipment from steel to rune will exist in the economy.

Tokens Per Item

Item Tokens
Gauntlets 5
Boots 10
Helm 15
Full Helm 30
Sq Shield 30
Chainbody 40
Platelegs 50
Plateskirt 50
Kiteshield 40
Platebody 50
Dagger 5
Mace 10
Claw 5
Sword 15
Scimitar 20
Longsword 25
Battleaxe 30
Warhammer 30
2H Sword 50
Spear 15
Halberd 100
Hatchet 10
Pickaxe 30

Spending Tokens

Tokens can be used to purchase either salvage or equipment. The equipment cost is 10 tokens per base bar (e.g. gloves cost 10 tokens, platebodies cost 50 tokens etc). Any equipment purchased will be upgraded to the maximum +X for that metal type (i.e. Rune will be Rune+3).

Size Token Cost
Huge salvage 50
Large salvage 40
Medium salvage 30
Small salvage 20
Tiny salvage 10

Token Value

Based on the alch value of each of the tiers of salvage and the cost in tokens per salvage, we can determine the value per token for each tier.

Tier Value
Steel 24
Mithril 60
Adamant 200
Rune 800

Value Calculator

Those numbers are still subject to change if necessary so keep an eye on the beta. In general we don't have a problem with waiting meaning slightly more money, like that's not an exploit. Anywhere it's like 'I CAN MULTIPLY MY CASH BY THREE!' is probably a bug, and we'll fix it but 5% is fine…I erred on the side of up, if everyone makes a little money with the rework that's fine with me especially since they have to go through the faff of dealing with the tokens and figuring them out and everything…because the alternative is having them be worth slightly less with the rework, which would absolutely suck

Mod Jack

For those seeing this as an investment opportunity, I am in no way responsible if these values change.

Item Values

Estimated Grand Exchange Prices

Estimate is my best guess as to the GE value of that item. Elder Rune has some calculation behind it, the lower ones are just guesses and almost certainly won't be true until the market stabilises. I estimate soon after launch rune bars will spike due to being needed for elder rune.

Mod Jack, Discord

High Alchemy Values

The values are intentionally lowballed so they don't set a lower bound on the GE prices. In practice this shouldn't affect anyone, even Ironmen, since you should be smithing the gear, not alching it.

Mod Jack, Discord


Mining Sites

Primary rocks are rocks that have no requirements outside of the Mining requirements. The philosophy behind primary rocks is that a player should be able to achieve 1-99 Mining and have access to every core rock without any other requirements. Gated rocks have requirements (quests or otherwise).

Mining sites (map).jpg

Level Rock Location Type
1 Copper; Tin Lumbridge Swamp training mining site Primary
1 Copper; Tin Burthorpe mine Primary
1 Copper; Tin Rimmington mining site Primary
1 Copper; Tin Dwarven Mine Primary
1 Copper; Tin South-east Varrock mining site Primary
1 Copper; Tin South-west Varrock mining site Primary
1 Copper; Tin Ashdale Primary
1 Copper; Tin Desert Mining Camp Gated
10 Iron South-west Lumbridge swamp mining site Primary
10 Iron South-west Varrock mining site Primary
10 Iron Piscatoris mining site Primary
10 Iron Keldagrim south-west mine Primary
10 Iron Keldagrim entrance mining site Primary
10 Iron Dwarven Mine Primary
10 Iron Desert Mining Camp Gated
10 Iron Lumbridge Catacombs Gated
20 Coal South-west Lumbridge swamp mining site Primary
20 Coal Coal truck mining site Primary
20 Coal Mining Guild Primary
20 Coal Barbarian Village mining site Primary
20 Coal Legends' Guild mining site Primary
20 Coal Dwarven Mine Primary
20 Coal Karamja Volcano mine Primary
20 Coal Desert Mining Camp Gated
20 Coal Jatizso mine Gated
20 Coal Keldagrim north-east mine Gated
20 Coal Miscellania and Etceteria Dungeon mine Gated
20 Coal Abandoned Mine Gated
20 Coal Trahaearn Clan Gated
30 Mithril South-east Varrock mining site Primary
30 Mithril Legends' Guild mining site Primary
30 Mithril Karamja Volcano mine Primary
30 Mithril Keldagrim south-west mine Primary
30 Mithril Abandoned Mine Gated
30 Mithril Rellekka mining site Gated
30 Mithril Desert Mining Camp (Underground Mines) Gated
30 Mithril Jatizso mine (after Elite Fremennik Tasks) Gated
30 Mithril Ancient Cavern Gated
30 Mithril Grand Tree mine Gated
30 Mithril Dwarven Mine hidden mine Gated
30 Mithril Trahaearn Clan Gated
40 Adamantite Agility Pyramid mining site Primary
40 Adamantite Rimmington mining site Primary
40 Adamantite Karamja Volcano mine Primary
40 Adamantite Desert Mining Camp (Underground Mines) Gated
40 Adamantite Grand Tree mine Gated
40 Adamantite Trahaearn Clan Gated
40 Luminite Battlefield mining site Primary
40 Luminite Dwarven Mine Primary
40 Luminite Mining Guild resource dungeon Gated
40 Luminite Keldagrim north mine Gated
40 Luminite Abandoned Mine Gated
50 Runite Fight Arena mining site Primary
50 Runite East of Karamja Volcano Primary
50 Runite Mining Guild Primary
50 Runite Southern Wilderness mining site Wilderness
50 Runite South Crandor mining site Gated
50 Runite North Crandor mining site Gated
50 Runite Trahaearn Clan Gated
50 Runite Grand Tree mine Gated
60 Orichalcite Mining Guild Primary
60 Orichalcite South-western Wilderness mining site Wilderness
60 Drakolith Karamja mining site Primary
60 Drakolith South-east of the Wilderness Volcano Wilderness
60 Drakolith Abandoned Mine Gated
60 Drakolith Central Fremennik Isles mining site Gated
60 Drakolith Heroes' Guild mine Gated
60 Drakolith Mining Guild resource dungeon Gated
60 Drakolith Evil Chicken's Lair mine Gated
60 Drakolith Al Kharid mining site resource dungeon Gated
70 Necrite Uzer mining site Primary
70 Necrite Bandit camp mining site Wilderness
70 Necrite Desert Mining Camp (Underground Mines) Gated
70 Necrite Al Kharid mining site resource dungeon Gated
70 Phasmatite South of Port Phasmatys Primary
70 Phasmatite Lava Maze runite mining site Wilderness
70 Phasmatite Abandoned Mine Gated
70 Phasmatite Dwarven Mine hidden mine Gated
80 Banite North-west of Trollweiss Mountain Primary
80 Banite Pirates' Hideout mining site Wilderness
80 Banite Bane ore mine Gated
80 Banite Tarshak's sanctum Gated
80 Banite Jatizso mine (after Elite Fremennik Tasks) Gated
90 Light Animica Outside of the Smoke Dungeon Primary
90 Light Animica Lletya mining site Gated
90 Dark Animica Outside of The Empty Throne Room Primary

Mining Guild

The Mining Guild is the only source of Orichalcite outside of the Wilderness. Otherwise, no changes.

Lava Flow Mine

The lava flow mine is almost completely AFK. Crusts function as mining rocks, giving about the same XP multiplier as Orichalcite/Drakolith.

Rock HP Hardness XP Multiplier
Crust Extremely high (~1hr) 105 ~0.78

The HP of a crust is extremely high, taking around an hour to fill. Instead of receiving ore, the Liquid Gold Nymph spawns. Like all other rocks, moving between different areas does not reset the damage progress bar. Other than what causes a nymph to spawn, the Liquid Gold Nymph's rewards and functionality remain unchanged. Lower flow percentage give players bonus damage per swing (still needs to balanced). D&Ds other than the lava geyser remain unchanged.

Golden Mining Suit

Golden mining helmet.pngGolden mining top.pngGolden mining trousers.pngGolden mining gloves.pngGolden mining boots.png The Golden Mining Suit is still received from the Liquid Gold Nymph. No change.

Lava Geyser

The solidified Lava geyser functions as a mining rock. On filling the damage progress bar, that geyser is no longer minable by that player and an imcando pickaxe fragment is earned.

Blast Furnace

The Blast Furnace remains largely unchanged save for a few changes. Its primary benefit is the ability to smelt bars from iron to rune without using secondary ore (coal or luminite). Only the primary ore is required (iron ore always smelts into steel bars here). Although higher level bars cannot be smelted here, the use of rune bars in elder rune bars should give the blast furnace a small niche use.

  • Bronze, Silver and Gold can no longer smelted at the Blast Furnace.
  • Ordan no longer sells ore.
  • Ordan can now unnote iron, mithril, adamantite and runite ore without charge (players can access their metal bank from the anvils, allowing players to withdraw and deposit ores and bars).
  • The anvils no longer require level 60 Smithing to use.

Living Rock Caverns

No changes other than the concentrated coal and gold changes.

Trahaearn Hour

Trahaearn Clan.png The topography of the Trahaearn Clan district remains relatively unchanged. The existing Seren stones and rocks remain as they are. All existing benefits of Trahaearn hour are removed, replaced with the following:

Coal Trucks

Coal Truck.png Coal trucks still function the same. Between the ore box and concentrated coal rocks, they are even less useful.


Dungeoneering-icon.png Dungeoneering uses completely separate Mining and Smithing code so none of the rework affects it.

Shooting Stars

Stardust 175.png Changed to work with the new mechanics but the core functionality remains the same.


Skillcape Perks

Skillcape New Effect
Mining cape.png  Mining cape +5% double ore chance. Whenever double ore is received, bonus XP equal to the level requirement to mine that rock is awarded
Smithing cape.png  Smithing cape Whenever an unfinished smithing item is reheated, the next strike generates +5 base progress. This works with the Autoheater and Superheat item

The Smithing skillcape essentially creates a new meta training method (which is obviously locked behind 99 Smithing) which we can term '2-tick Smithing'. The basic premise is that, with the skillcape equipped, Superheat Item is cast followingevery strike to losslessly generate the bonus progress.

Scroll of Efficiency

Scroll of efficiency.png Now gives +5% XP when Smithing any item that uses progress. This stacks additively with other sources of extra XP. Notably, this won't apply to protean bars.


Aura Old Effect New Effect
Quarrymaster aura.png  Quarrymaster aura Increases chance of successfully mining rocks by 3/5/7/10/15% Increase critical hit chance by 1/2/3/4/5% when Mining
Resourceful aura.png  Resourceful aura 10% chance to not deplete a resource when Mining or Woodcutting +2% geode chance when Mining. 10% chance to give an additional red/crystal-flecked sandstone which does not contribute towards the daily limit. Woodcutting effect unchanged

Jack of trades aura.png The Jack of trades aura will function the same way as before.

Magic Golem Outfit

Magic golem head.pngMagic golem torso.pngMagic golem legs.pngMagic golem gloves.pngMagic golem boots.png Existing benefits of the Magic golem outfit changed to:

  • +5% critical hit chance.
  • +1 rockertunity multiplier.
  • Still removes aggression from living rock creatures.
  • Still applies any unlocked Golden mining suit and Varrock armour bonuses.
  • No changes to the method of obtaining.

Spells and Prayers


Crystallise.png Existing mining effects removed. On non-mining resources, Crystallise has not changed.

  • Now only works on core mining rocks.
  • One cast of crystallise lasts 30 seconds.
  • No damage progress is earned towards ore but still grants XP.
  • As long as the player's stamina is greater than zero, crystallise gives 20% additional mining XP. This stacks additively with other XP increasing bonuses.
  • Crystallise does stack with rockertunities provided the spell is cast on the rockertunity rock before mining it.

Although this effect is much weaker than the pre-rework version, because the rework adds much higher XP mining rocks, the overall bonus is still very high. Because of the increased value and usefulness of ores, sacrificing ore for XP may not be a good deal depending on the current state of the market.

Light Form

Light Form.png Light Form doubles the effect of Crystallise when Mining from 20% to 40%.

Superheat Item

Superheat Item icon.png Superheat item works the same as before. One thing to note is that due to the rework in the mechanics of Mining, Superheat Item will interupt mining and can no longer be used losslessly.

  • When cast on Iron ore, the spell will attempt to create an Iron bar.
  • When cast on Coal, the spell will attempt to create a Steel bar.
  • When cast on Luminite, the spell will attempt to create an Adamant bar.
  • In all other cases, it is obvious and unambiguous which type of bar is to be created.

Superheat item can only be used on ore in your inventory but it can use ore from the ore box for the extra ores. Unlike pre-rework, bars do not require a huge amount of ores per bar. If the spell is cast while in the Artisans Workshop, it can also draw on ores the player has stored in the metal bank (this doesn't apply outside of the workshop).

In addition, it can be cast on an unfinished smithing item to immediately refill 33% of its heat bar.

Superheat Form

Superheat Form.png Superheat Form no longer automatically smelts ore when mined because bars cannot be placed in the ore box or teleported with Signs of the porter so this isn't actually a useful thing to do.

Superheat Form now reduces the time it takes to smelt each bar by one tick. The base time for smelting a bar is four ticks, reducing to two ticks with levelling benefits. In effect, superheat form doubles smelting speed for high level smiths.

In addition, when smithing with superheat form, the player gets increased progress multipliers at low and medium heat thresholds. The values provided are for base progress.

Heat Progress Multiplier Progress Made Per Strike Progress Multiplier
(withSuperheat Form.png)
Progress Made Per Strike
(withSuperheat Form.png)
High 67%-100% {\displaystyle \times 2} 20 {\displaystyle \times 2} 20 No change
Medium 34%-66% {\displaystyle \times 1.5} 15 {\displaystyle \times 2} 20 Equivalent of high heat smithing
Low 1%-33% {\displaystyle \times 1} 10 {\displaystyle \times 1.5} 15 Equivalent of medium heat smithing
Zero 0% {\displaystyle \times 0.5} 5 {\displaystyle \times 0.5} 5 No change

While the prayer doesn't affect high heat smithing, it allows players the convenience of being allowed to drop down from 100% to 34% (instead of 67%) without losing the {\displaystyle \times 2}  multiplier, and consequently more AFK time between clicks. The prayer is entirely useless for those opting for zero heat smithing. For those using the low heat smithing method with the Autoheater, the prayer directly increases XP/h (a permanent {\displaystyle \times 1.5}  instead of {\displaystyle \times 1}  base progress per strike).


Potion New Effect
Juju mining potion (4).png Juju mining potion 10% chance to gain a stone spirit of the type of ore mined (applies every ore-receiving swing, not every swing). In practice, this means that while using a juju mining potion the player generates 10% more ore per hour if they do not already have a stack of stone spirits
Perfect juju mining potion (4).png Perfect juju mining potionPerfect plus potion (5).png Perfect plus In addition to the juju mining potion effect: whenever a stone spirit is consumed to generate an additional ore, the player's stamina bar immediately refills. By itself, because only 10% of ore-receiving swings generate stone spirits, this is only a small benefit. If the player brings a stack of stone spirits with them, they will refill stamina on every ore-receiving swing

If the player's average damage is more than the HP of the rock being mined (i.e. if a player is 'one-hitting' the rock), the player's stamina bar will refill every swing provided they have a stack of stone spirits with them. This allows both AFK and Active players to AFK the rock without the stamina penalty (a direct increase in XP and ore per hour for AFK players, and, although it doesn't affect the XP and ore per hour for Active players, it allows them the conveniece of only having to click for rockertunities).

If the player's average damage is less than the HP of the rock being mined, the effect is far less useful for Active players because the tick delay in Runescape means players must click just before the swing is completed for it to refill losslessly (akin to tick-manipulation for Divine locations). This means an active player would have clicked before even receiving the message that the perfect juju potion has refilled their stamina bar. However, for the AFK player, if the average number of swings per ore is less than the number of swings required to completely deplete their stamina bar then they will receive the constant 12.5% stamina boost (with one swing of 25% for the first swing after refilling). Even if an AFK player's average number of swings per ore is more than the number of swings required to completely deplete their stamina bar they will see an increase in XP and ore per hour. Thus, AFK players will always see an increase in XP and ore per hour.

Both the regular and perfect variants cannot be used with Crystallise since a player will always deal no damage to the rock, and effectively have zero ore-receiving swings per hour.

Varrock Armour

  • All existing benefits relating to Mining, Smithing, and Smelting are removed.
  • All benefits are cumulative (i.e. Varrock armour 2 also has all the benefits of Varrock armour 1).
  • All bonuses stack additively with the equivalent levelling benefits.
  • All bonuses apply at any anvil or smelter.

Varrock Tasks

  • The Mining effect is: +X% chance of mining double ore.
  • The Smelting effect is: +X% chance of smelting double bars.
  • The Smithing effect is: +X% chance of a strike granted double progress.
Armour Potency Potency(New Varrock) Mining Smelting/Smithing
Varrock armour 1.png  Varrock armour 1 +4% +8% Copper, Tin, Iron, Coal Bronze, Iron, Steel
Varrock armour 2.png  Varrock armour 2 +3% +6% Mithril, Adamantite, Luminite Mithril, Adamant
Varrock armour 3.png  Varrock armour 3 +2% +4% Runite, Orichalcite, Drakolith, Necrite, Phasmatite Rune, Orikalkum, Necronium
Varrock armour 4.png  Varrock armour 4 +1% +2% Banite, Light animica, Dark animica Bane, Elder rune

New Varrock Tasks

Tier Effect
Easy No longer required to wear Varrock armour to receive its mining, smithing, or smelting benefits
Medium Mining effect doubled for all levels of Varrock armour
Hard Smelting effect doubled for all levels of Varrock armour
Elite Smithing effect doubled for all levels of Varrock armour

Crystal Hammer

Crystal hammer.png Existing benefits removed. Now gives +1% chance for double progress when smithing any core metal. The hammer lasts for 3,000 strikes before reverting to a seed (an hour of smithing).

An Augmented crystal hammer will stop giving the double progress chance if the player's Charge pack is empty.



Perk Skill New Effect
Wise.png  Wise No change but the extra XP will be additive with other XP increases, not multiplicative
Charitable.png  Charitable Mining Mining No change but only works on core rocks
Cheapskate.png  Cheapskate Mining Mining No change but only works on core rocks
Polishing.png  Polishing Mining Mining Only works on core rocks. When upgrading to level 40 or level 90, randomly chooses between the ores at that level
Honed.png  Honed Mining Mining +2/4/6/8/10% double ore chance
Refined.png  Refined Mining Mining +2/4/6% geode chance
Furnace (perk).png  Furnace Mining Mining +5/10/15% chance per swing to generate no progress, but double XP
Rapid.png  Rapid Smithing Smithing Heat is lost twice as fast, but progress is earned 5/10/15% quicker
Tinker.png  Tinker Smithing Smithing +2/4/6% chance of making double progress


The following items can be augmented, all other new items from the rework cannot be augmented:


New smithed items disassemble normally using the standard Invention formulae for level, item type, and slot. Pre-rework, rune items had artificially improved component rates; this bonus will be removed because rune will no longer be the highest tier.

Upgraded itemdo not disassemble into more components than base items. The disassembly formula does not take into account how many materials were used to make the item, only its level, item type, and slot. This means that upgraded items will definitely not be cost-effective to disassemble. It is the intention that smithables be used for XP and salvage be used for alchemy and disassembly.

Masterwork and Trimmed masterwork armour cannot be disassembled.


Regular scrimshaws have a 2% chance, superior scrimshaws have a 3% chance.

Scrimshaw New Effect
Rock-crushing scrimshaw.png  Rock-crushing scrimshaw Increase critical hit chance by 2/3% when Mining
Gem-finding scrimshaw.png  Gem-finding scrimshaw Increase geode chance by 2/3% when Mining


Mining Familiars

Summoning-icon.png All mining familiars essentially work in the same way. Each familiar adds a damage boost for the purpose of damage per swing calculations.

Familiar Damage bonus
Desert wyrm pouch.png  Desert wyrm +1
Void ravager pouch.png  Void ravager +1
Obsidian golem pouch.png  Obsidian golem +7
Lava titan pouch.png  Lava titan +10

Desert wyrm's Burrow ability has been removed.


Summoning pouches that require ores or bars remain the same. Due to the removal of platebodies from drop tables and the increased smithing time per platebody, metal titan pouches instead require two equivalent-tier bars.

Pouch Old Secondary New Secondary
Iron titan pouch.png  Iron titan pouch Iron platebody.png  Iron platebody 2 Iron bar.png  Iron bar
Steel titan pouch.png  Steel titan pouch Steel platebody.png  Steel platebody 2 Steel bar.png  Steel bar

Due to less pouches being made per inventory, making metal titan pouches is now more clicks and less XP per hour, although due to the price of bars, in comparison to the platebodies, they are much cheaper to make.


Skillchompas function as a pickaxe of the equivalent level and are used in place of a regular pickaxe, not in addition to it (remember that the order of use is Equipped > Inventory > Toolbelt). Instead of the current XP bonuses, skillchompas instead increase critical hit damage.

Level Skillchompa Equivalent Pickaxe Damage Penetration Bonus Crit Damage
Min Average Max
30 Cobalt skillchompa.png Cobalt skillchompa Mithril pickaxe.png Mithril 15 30 45 30 30
40 Viridian skillchompa.png Viridian skillchompa Adamant pickaxe.png Adamant 20 40 60 50 40
50 Azure skillchompa.png Azure skillchompa Rune pickaxe.png Rune 25 50 75 75 50
60 Crimson skillchompa.png Crimson skillchompa Drakolith pickaxe.png Orikalkum 30 60 90 105 60
70 Crystal skillchompa.png Crystal skillchompa Necronium pickaxe.png Necronium 35 70 105 140 70

Due to Crystal skillchompas being capped at the stats of a level 70 pickaxe, it cannot compete with higher tier pickaxes even with its bonus critical hit damage. On top of this, a hardness penalty will apply to the skillchompa for Bane and Animica rocks. This is demonstrated using the examples below.

Crystal skillchompa v Bane pickaxe on a Bane rock

  • Mining and Strength level: 81.
  • Critical hit chance: 20%.
  • Critical hit damage: 85 (155 for skillchompa).
Pickaxe Hardness Penalty Average Damage
Crystal skillchompa.png Crystal skillchompa -45 145
Bane pickaxe.png Bane pickaxe 0 186

A player would need 79% critical hit chance to make crystal skillchompas better to use (an impossibility with the existing critical hit chance modifiers).

Crystal skillchompa v Elder rune pickaxe on an Animica rock (90)

  • Mining and Strength level: 90.
  • Critical hit chance: 10%.
  • Critical hit damage: 95 (165 for skillchompa).
Pickaxe Hardness Penalty Average Damage
Crystal skillchompa.png Crystal skillchompa -95 90.5
Elder rune pickaxe.png Elder rune pickaxe 0 198.5

Even at 100% critical hit chance the Elder rune pickaxe comes out ahead.

Crystal skillchompa v Earth and Song on an Animica rock (99)

  • Mining and Strength level: 99.
  • Critical hit chance: 30%.
  • Critical hit damage: 100 (170 for skillchompa).
Pickaxe Hardness Penalty Average Damage
Crystal skillchompa.png Crystal skillchompa -95 134
Crystal pickaxe (upgraded).png Earth and Song 0 233

Even at 100% critical hit chance the Pick of Earth and Song comes out ahead.


While appropriate for their own levels, using any of the skillchompas for higher levels will result in players spending money to achieve lower ore and XP per hour.

We're adding four new tiers of pick so unless we massively buff chompas they can't compete with that.

Correspondence with Mod Jack

Following this, it was agreed to allow Skillchompas to retain a 10% XP boost per swing which will work from the inventory. It should be remembered that the order of use is Equipped > Inventory > Toolbelt, and so, if seeking to only gain the 10% XP boost, your primary pickaxe should be equipped and not in your toolbelt otherwise the Skillchompas will take priority.


Decorated mining urn.pngStrong smelting urn.png No changes have been made to the Mining urns but they work with the updated level numbers for ores.

Strong smelting urn work up to level 70 Smithing. A new tier, Decorated smithing urns, has been added working up to level 99 Smithing requiring 2,000 XP to fill and give 400 XP when teleported. Smelting urns now work when Smithing or Smelting.

Ring of Whispers

Ring of Whispers.png The Ring of Whispers gives +3 Mining damage per swing when worn.

Divine Locations

Divine runite rock.png The existing divine locations have had their Divination levels lowered to match their new Mining requirements. The Divine energy used to make them has also been adjusted to the right tier. A new Divine luminite rock has been added at level 40 Divination to allow this ore to be gathered. Locations for ore above Runite ore have not been added at this time.

Divination level Rock Energy Ore
1 Divine bronze rock.png  Divine bronze rock 20 Pale energy 1000.png  Pale energy 20 Tin ore.png  Tin ore or Copper ore.png  Copper ore
10 Divine iron rock.png  Divine iron rock 20 Flickering energy 1000.png  Flickering energy 15 Iron ore.png  Iron ore
20 Divine coal rock.png  Divine coal rock 30 Bright energy 1000.png  Bright energy 20 Coal.png  Coal
30 Divine mithril rock.png  Divine mithril rock 30 Glowing energy 1000.png  Glowing energy 20 Mithril ore.png  Mithril ore
40 Divine adamantite rock.png  Divine adamantite rock 40 Sparkling energy 1000.png  Sparkling energy 25 Adamantite ore.png  Adamantite ore
40 Divine luminite rock 40 Sparkling energy 1000.png  Sparkling energy 25 Luminite ore.png  Luminite ore
50 Divine runite rock.png  Divine runite rock 80 Gleaming energy 1000.png  Gleaming energy 6 Runite ore.png  Runite ore

Divine Transmuation

Divination-icon.png This remains unchanged for now. New tiers have not been added and the existing ores have not had their requirement lowered. The effect of transmutation on the economy is to create floors and ceiling on the comparative values of tiered goods. The value of runite ore can't significantly exceed the value of 6 adamantite ore + 10 incandescent energy, because one can be relatively easily changed into the other. Until the new tiers of ore have been released into the economy and had a chance to settle in value, a transmute would almost certainly predict their relative values incorrectly and therefore have a negative effect on the economy.


These items are promotional Treasure Hunter items and the rework does not make them available through gameplay.

Starfury Armour

Starborn diamond.png Rather than slowing depletion at Seren stones, Starfury armour gives +1% critical hit chance per piece equipped when mining Seren stones. The Starfury cape does not have this effect.

Lunarfury Armour

Lunar spheres.png Lunar shards required to upgrade Lunarfury Armour still drop when Mining (only if you own the first tier of the armour).


Quest map icon.png All quests have been updated to make sense with the new mechanics, but no major changes have been made. For example, we haven't gone through and checked that dialogue still makes sense with the new metal tiers.

Rune platebody is no longer locked behind dragon slayer.

Daily Challenges

All existing daily challenges for Mining and Smithing have been replaced. For both skills, the XP awarded is equal to a Medium XP lamp and no items need to be handed in, nor is a reward bag given.

Skill Challenge
Mining Mining Mine any one ore
Smithing Smithing Make, upgrade, or bury any one item


Achievement Skill Description Comp Req Trim Req
Everything is Oresome Mining Mining Increase the capacity of your ore box by mining 100 of each of the listed ores: Copper, Tin, Iron, Coal, Mithril, Adamantite, Luminite, Runite, Orichalcite, Drakolith, Necrite, Phasmatite, Banite, Light Animica, Dark Animica (this is a separate +20 increase in capacity to the levelling benefit unlock) Yes check.svg Yes check.svg
My Sick Four Tick Trick
(My Sick Four Tick Quick Flick Tap Trick (Mobile))
Mining Mining Maintain nearly maximum stamina while Mining for 1 minute (if your Mining level is high enough, using stone spirits with a Perfect juju mining potion will make this AFK on a low levelled core rock)
Purple Reign Mining Mining Use the Shard of Zaros on a Dark animica rock
I Love Dailyscape Mining Mining Cap out on red and crystal sandstone in a day
Banebane Mining Mining Mine a banite ore using a bane pickaxe +4 while wearing a full set of bane armour +4 and listening to the music track Bane of Summer
Shine On You Crazy Diamond Mining Mining Mine an Uncut diamond from a gem rock in Prifddinas while the Light of Seren shines on the Trahaearn Clan
The Light Begins To Shine Mining Mining Mine (dark or light) animica ore while the Light of Seren shines on the Trahaearn Clan
Suity Level Maximum Mining Mining Deal 300 damage to a rock in a single swing
It's Mine, All Mine Mining Mining Mine one of each of the following listed ores: Copper, Tin, Iron, Coal, Mithril, Adamant, Luminite, Runite, Orichalcite, Drakolith, Necrite, Phasmatite, Banite, Light Animica, Dark Animica, Clay, Rune Essence, Any Gem Rock, Silver, Gold, Sandstone, Granite
A Song of Earth and Pickaxes Mining Mining Construct a Pick of Earth and Song
Work On Your Artisan Smithing Smithing Buy the following upgrades in the Artisans Workshop:
– Quick Repair
– Repair Expert
– Solemn Smith I-V
– Golden Cannon
– Royale Cannon
– Restocking Cannon
– Ceremonial Sword Orders
Yes check.svg
It Should Have Been Called Aetherium Smithing Smithing Make and upgrade to +5 a full set of Elder rune armour (this fully unlocks the ability to forge masterwork armour) Yes check.svg Yes check.svg
Come Together Smithing Smithing Use a luminite injector on World 70
Hot In Herre Smithing Smithing Smith an item that requires at least 60 Smithing without letting heat fall below high heat
The Knight Begins To Shine Smithing Smithing Repair a piece of armour at an anvil
Ritual of the Murderbat Smithing Smithing Tune a bane sword or two-handed sword
Imcando Magic Can't Melt Elder Rune Boots Smithing Smithing Heat a pair of unfinished Elder Rune boots to 100% heat using only the superheat item spell
We Will Bury Them Smithing Smithing Take a full set of fully upgraded armour to the Artisan's Workshop and smith it into burial armour, donating it to the dwarves in the process (only Adamant and higher can be buried)

Treasure Trails

Rune platebody (g).pngRune platebody (t).pngRune platebody (h1).pngRune platebody (Zamorak).pngRune platebody (Guthix).pngRune platebody (Saradomin).png Base items such as Rune platebodies are replaced with the appropriate level of salvage. Trimmed (t), gold-trimmed (g), melee god armours, and heraldic variants remain as treasure trail-only rewards.

Player Owned House

Mahogany armour case icon.png No changes to the Armour case and Armour display stands cannot be made for the new metals.

Bracelet of Clay

Bracelet of clay.png No change, all clay mined is automatically converted to soft clay.


Things people can do to prepare for the rework release:

  • Pickaxe of Earth and Song ingredients: Crystal pickaxe, Imcando pickaxe, Blast fusion hammer.
  • Unlock all existing Artisans Workshop upgrades, especially considering the current Trim req (with the new additions) will become a regular Comp req. After unlocking everything, gain another 100% for new upgrades on release (e.g. Solemn Smith IV and V). Accumulating Artisans' workshop respect enhancers is also a good idea.
  • Look through the achievements to see cape requirements.
  • For those aiming to make Masterwork or Trimmed Masterwork armour, accumulate the bars required and mine enough Bane ore. See the Masterwork calculator for details. 1,200 Bronze, Iron, Steel, Mithril and Adamant bars, 2,796 Rune bars (ignoring double smelting chance), and 2,400 Bane ore are required for the set. Purchase enough Torva and Malevolent for 12 essence. As a disclaimer, the amount of core metal bars required for Masterwork armour is expected to be lowered since it is currently too high.

Do You Need 99 Smithing To Repair Trimmed Masterwork


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